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How to Store Your Food Properly? The Complete Guide to Never Mess Again.

How to Store Your Food Properly? The Complete Guide to Never Mess Again.

I hate throwing food in the trash.

I try to avoid waste at all costs.

But some foods perish faster than others, especially fruits and vegetables.

The problem is that we don't always know how to store them properly.

As a result, we are sometimes forced to throw food in the trash because it has become rotten. Not very economical!

Fortunately, here is the guide that explains how to properly store all your food for as long as possible.

Fruits, vegetables, bread, cheeses… with this guide, no more mess! Watch:

How to Store Your Food Properly? The Complete Guide to Never Mess Again.

  • How to store fruit?
  • Apples
  • Lawyer
  • Avocado (cut)
  • Bananas
  • Banana (cut)
  • Red fruits
  • Citrus fruits
  • Citrus (cut)
  • Grapes
  • Melon
  • Melon (cut)
  • Peaches &Plums
  • Pears
  • Tomatoes
  • How to store vegetables?
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery stalk
  • Cucumber
  • Spinach
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Ginger (cut)
  • Green beans
  • Salad
  • Mushrooms
  • Onion
  • Onion (cut)
  • Parsnips
  • Potatoes
  • Radish
  • Aromatic herbs
  • Zucchini
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Squashes and pumpkins
  • Squash and pumpkins (cut)
  • How to store herbs?
  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Coriander
  • Parsley
  • Thyme &rosemary
  • How to store meat, fish &eggs?
  • Bacon
  • Sliced ​​meats (from the butcher)
  • Sliced ​​deli meats (pre-packaged)
  • Eggs
  • Live Seafood
  • Raw fish, scallops, prawns
  • Raw meat
  • Raw Poultry
  • Smoked fish
  • How to store bread &dairy products?
  • Bread
  • Fresh cheese
  • Pressed cheese
  • Hard cheese
  • Soft cheese

To print this guide in PDF, click here.

How to store fruit?


Where to keep them: refrigerator drawer

How to store them: without packaging

How long to keep them: 3 weeks


Where to keep it: to ripen on the worktop then refrigerator shelf

How to store it: without packaging

How long to keep it: 4 days when ripe

Avocado (cut)

Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: lemon juice on the flesh, wrapped in stretch film

How long to keep it: 1 day

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep them: work plan

How to store them: without packaging

How long to keep them: 3 days when ripe

Check out the trick here.

Banana (cut)

Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: in its skin, wrapped in aluminum foil

How long to keep it: 1 to 2 days

Red fruits

Where to keep them: refrigerator drawer

How to store them: open and ventilated container

How long to keep them: 3 to 5 days

Check out the trick here.

Citrus fruits

Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: without packaging

How long to keep them: 2 weeks

Citrus (cut)

Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: wrapped in stretch film

How long to keep it: 2 to 3 days


Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: perforated plastic bag

How long to keep it: 1 to 2 weeks


Where to keep it: work plan

How to store it: without packaging

How long to keep it: 5 days when ripe

Melon (cut)

Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: wrapped in stretch film

How long to keep it: 7 to 10 days

Peaches &plums

Where to keep them: to ripen on the counter, then refrigerator shelf

How to store them: without packaging

How long to keep them: 5 days when ripe


Where to keep them: work plan

How to store them: without packaging

How long to keep them: 4 days when ripe

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep them: work plan

How to store them: without packaging, in a ventilated container

How long to keep them: 5 days

Check out the trick here.

How to store vegetables?


Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: stems in water, heads delicately covered in plastic

How long to keep them: 4 days

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: plastic bag

How long to keep them: 2 weeks


Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: plastic bag

How long to keep them: 1 week


Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: wrapped in stretch film

How long to keep it: 5 days

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: wrapped in stretch film

How long to keep it: 2 weeks


Where to keep them: refrigerator drawer

How to store them: plastic bag

How long to keep them: 3 weeks

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: wrapped in stretch film

How long to keep it: 5 days

To discover: 3 Infallible Tips for Successfully Cooking your Cauliflower.

Celery stalk

Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: wrapped in aluminum foil

How long to keep it: 2 weeks

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: wrapped in stretch film

How long to keep it: 1 week


Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: plastic bag with dry Paper Towel

How long to keep it: 1 week


Where to keep it: sun-sheltered pantry

How to store it: without packaging, whole

How long to keep it: 2 months

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: without packaging

How long to keep it: 1 month

Check out the trick here.

Ginger (cut)

Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: freezer bag with dry Sopalin

How long to keep it: 1 to 2 weeks

Green beans

Where to keep them: refrigerator drawer

How to store them: plastic bag with dry Paper Towel

How long to keep them: 1 week


Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: plastic bag with dry Paper Towel

How long to keep it: 5 days

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: paper bag

How long to keep them: 3 days


Where to keep it: sun-sheltered pantry

How to store it: without packaging

How long to keep it: 1 to 2 months

Check out the trick here.

Onion (cut)

Where to keep it: refrigerator drawer

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 3 to 5 days


Where to keep them: refrigerator drawer

How to store them: plastic bag

How long to keep them: 2 weeks


Where to keep them: sun-sheltered pantry

How to store them: plastic bag with dry Paper Towel

How long to keep them: 1 to 2 months

The Infallible Trick To Prevent Potatoes From Sprouting.

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: plastic bag with dry Paper Towel

How long to keep them: 2 weeks

Aromatic herbs

Where to keep them: refrigerator drawer

How to store them: plastic container with several layers of dry paper towel

How long to keep them: 10 days

Check out the trick here.


Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: plastic bag

How long to keep them: 5 days

Sweet potatoes

Where to keep them: sun-sheltered pantry

How to store them: paper bag

How long to keep them: 2 weeks

Squashes and pumpkins

Where to keep them: sun-sheltered pantry

How to store them: without packaging

How long to keep them: 1 month

Squash and pumpkins (cut)

Where to keep them: refrigerator drawer

How to store them: wrapped in aluminum foil

How long to keep them: 2 to 3 weeks

How to store herbs?


Where to keep it: work plan

How to store it: stems in water, leaves delicately covered in plastic

How long to keep it: 1 week


Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: wrapped with damp Paper towel then stretch film

How long to keep it: 5 days


Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: stems in water, leaves delicately covered in plastic

How long to keep it: 1 week


Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: stems in water, leaves delicately covered in plastic

How long to keep it: 1 week

Check out the trick here.

Thyme &rosemary

Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: wrapped in stretch film

How long to keep them: 2 weeks

How to store meat, fish &eggs?


Where to keep it: refrigerator meat drawer

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 2 weeks if unopened, 1 week if started


Where to keep it: freezer

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 1 month

Sliced ​​charcuterie (from the butcher)

Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 2 weeks if not started, 1 week if started

Sliced ​​deli meats (pre-packaged)

Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: in original packaging

How long to keep it: 2 weeks if not started, 5 days if started


Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: egg box

How long to keep them: 2 weeks or until date shown on box

Check out the trick here.

Live seafood

Where to keep them: refrigerator shelf

How to store them: on a tray, in a single layer and covered with wet paper towel

How long to keep them: 1 day

Raw fish, scallops, prawns

Where to keep them: refrigerator meat drawer

How to store them: original packaging

How long to keep them: 1 day


Where to keep them: freezer

How to store them: closed freezer bag

How long to keep them: 3 to 6 months

Raw meat

Where to keep it: refrigerator meat drawer

How to store it: original packaging

How long to keep it: 2 days


Where to keep it: freezer

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 3 to 6 months

To discover: Finally, a tip for defrosting minced meat quickly.

Raw poultry

Where to keep it: refrigerator meat drawer

How to store it: original packaging

How long to keep it: 2 days


Where to keep it:c freezer

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 3 to 6 months

Smoked fish

Where to keep it: refrigerator shelf

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 2 weeks if unopened, 5 days if started


Where to keep it: freezer

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 6 months

How to store bread &dairy products?


Where to keep it: freezer

How to store it: closed freezer bag

How long to keep it: 3 months


Where to keep it: work plan

How to store it: closed freezer bag, open side down

How long to keep it: 3 days

Check out the trick here.

Fresh cheese

Where to keep it: refrigerator cheese drawer

How to store it: in water, change every 2 days

How long to keep it: 1 week

Pressed cheese

Where to keep it: refrigerator cheese drawer

How to store it: wrapped in baking paper and cling film

How long to keep it: 2 weeks

Check out the trick here.

Hard cheese

Where to keep it: refrigerator cheese drawer

How to store it: wrapped in baking paper and cling film

How long to keep it: 1 month

Soft cheese

Where to keep it: refrigerator cheese drawer

How to store it: wrapped in baking paper and a sealed freezer bag

How long to keep them: 1 to 2 weeks

There you go, now you know how to store all your food. No more food waste.

It's not that complicated, is it?