Everyone dreams of having a flat stomach and well sculpted abs .
But with work, shopping, kids and family…
…we never have time to go to the gym!
Fortunately, there is a simple, fast and super effective technique to have a flat stomach.
With these exercises, you can sculpt your abs and get a flat stomach in just 6 minutes a day .
Just do each of these exercises for just 30 seconds.
And don't forget to take a break of 15 seconds every 2 exercises. Let's go ! Here is the easy and practical guide e for muscular abs :
The advantage of bicycle crunches is that they work the entire abdominal belt, but in a single exercise .
1. Lie on your back with your feet extended in front of you.
2. Bend your arms and place your hands behind or to the sides of your head. To avoid neck pain, do not pull your head forward!
3. Bend the legs to form a 90° angle with the hips.
4. And now, pedal ! With your head and shoulders slightly off the ground, bring your right elbow towards your left knee, taking care to extend the other leg as in the picture.
5. Then, do the reverse movement. Your legs should move in a circular motion, as if you were riding a bicycle.
6. With each movement of the bicycle, take care to rotate your chest and contract your abs.
For info: 1 movement on each side =1 repetition
Another great exercise to get abs easily in 6 min! This variant of the crunch, with outstretched arms and legs, will work all of your abdominal muscles.
1. Lie on your back with your legs flat. Extend your arms above your head.
2. Contract your abdomen and straighten your torso as much as possible, keeping your arms by your side.
3. At the same time, keep your legs straight and lift them towards you, using only your abdominal muscles.
4. Once the torso and legs are raised to the maximum, continue the movement by extending the arms on each side of the legs as in the image.
5. Hold this position, with your abs tight.
6. Return to the starting position by slowly lowering your legs and chest.
For information: 1 crunch + 1 descent =1 rep
Scissors are one of the simplest exercises to build your lower abdominal abs, but also to sculpt your hip flexors and quadriceps. The total!
1. Lie on your back on a gym mat and put your hands flat along your chest.
2. Keep your legs straight and your toes straight. Slightly raise your legs about 5 cm:this is the starting position.
3. Contract your abs and raise your left leg to 45°, as in the picture.
4. Alternate the movement by switching legs:raise the right leg to 45° while the other lowers to the starting position.
For info: 1 movement of each leg =1 repetition
Here's a great twist on the plank exercise that will also tone your arm and leg muscles.
1. Get into a plank position with your arms straight and in line with your shoulders.
2. Contract your abdominal muscles and extend one arm forward.
3. At the same time, contract your glutes and lift the leg opposite the raised arm, as in the image.
4. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
5. Lower your arm and leg back to plank position.
6. Do the same movement on the opposite side.
For information: 1 side =1 rep
This exercise is simple to do, but extremely effective in building rock solid abs. Of course, you don't need any equipment to do this!
1. Get into a plank position with your arms straight and feet together.
2. Contract your abdominal muscles, and spread your legs by doing a small jump, as in the image.
3. Do another jump to bring your legs back to the starting position, still contracting your abdominal muscles.
For information: 1 split + 1 leg return =1 rep
The crunch is a super effective exercise to get abs in 6 minutes a day.
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor and with your hands behind or at the sides of your head. To avoid neck pain, do not pull your head forward!
2. Contract your abs, and straighten your chest and legs at the same time, as in the picture.
3. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the original position.
For info: 1 crunch =1 rep
The balance point is one of the best exercises to build your lower abdomen easily and quickly.
1. Get into a seated position on the floor with your legs flat on the floor.
2. Place your arms in front of you and slowly lean back. While keeping your legs straight, try to find your point of balance, without falling backwards.
3. Fold your legs, contracting the abdominal muscles. If it's too difficult, put your hands around your knees to find your balance.
4. Extend the legs again to return to the initial position.
For information: 1 plie + 1 leg extension =1 rep
This variant is more difficult to hold than the classic plank. You will really feel the effort and your abs will be more and more solicited! But this effort is worth it, because the result will be visible quickly.
1. Get into a plank position with your arms straight and feet together.
2. Start moving your hands forward, one hand at a time and without moving your legs, as in the picture.
3. Move your hands as far in front of you as possible, trying to keep your back straight.
4. Hold this position for 2 to 3 seconds, then do the opposite movement to return to the initial position.
For info: 1 round trip with the hands =1 repetition
In addition to working your abs to strengthen them, this exercise makes it easy to strengthen your arms.
1. Get into position as if you were going to do push-ups. Your arms should be extended and aligned with your shoulders, and your feet slightly apart. Keep your torso straight and rigid.
2. Extend one arm forward, using your abdominal muscles to stay stable.
3. Continue the movement by extending your arm between the legs. At the same time, raise your pelvis and contract your abdominal muscles.
4. Touch the opposite knee with your hand, as in the picture.
5. Bring your arm forward to return to the initial position, and lower the pelvis at the same time. Do the same movement on the opposite side.
For info: 1 side =1 rep
This exercise will work your entire abdominal belt, but also the muscles of the lower back.
1. Lie down, but on your stomach this time. Contract your glutes as hard as you can and raise your legs.
2. Extend and raise your arms slightly off the ground, palms facing down, as in the picture.
3. Raise one arm and the opposite leg, engaging all the core muscles, from the shoulders to the glutes.
4. Do the same movement quickly on the opposite side.
For info: 1 beat per side =1 rep