Baby has red bottom?
This is a common and painful little problem for infants.
Yes, by dint of putting on diapers, the skin macerates in urine and has trouble breathing.
No need to buy creams like Mytosil or Benthapen to relieve baby! It ends up being expensive...
Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's trick to quickly cure diaper rash.
The natural remedy is to use apple cider vinegar . Look, it's quite simple:
1. Pour a glass of mineral water into a container.
2. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
3. With a washable wipe, rinse baby's bottom with this mixture.
4. With a clean towel, gently wipe her buttocks.
Lo and behold, this grandmother's remedy will relieve an infant's diaper rash in no time :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more baby crying because of red bottoms!
It's so much nicer for him not to be in pain anymore.
You can perform this treatment once a day when your little one has a red bottom.
You can complete this treatment by pouring a glass of apple cider vinegar into his bath water.
Know that if your baby has red bottoms, it is best to leave your bottom exposed as much as possible.
Indeed, the diapers keep the moisture and prevent the erythema from disappearing completely.