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Deacidification with Alka Tea, does that really work or is it a myth?

Tea is good. It aids digestion, allows you to relax and is perfect for a break. Besides that, tea is also tasty, not unimportant. In addition, tea can help your body to fight complaints , for example by deacidification with tea † Alka Thee can tell you more about this and we did a test so that we could use our Alka Thee can share experiences with you.

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What is Alka tea?

Alka tea is an herbal tea that consists of 52 different types of herbs, intended to cleanse and deacidify the body.

Herbal teas are best known for beneficial properties. But what herbal tea do you take and does it really work? That people who drink tea have a lower risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease has been studied before. However, the question is whether this is due to tea alone. Tea drinkers often fall into the higher educated category and these people simply exercise more, drink less alcohol, smoke less and are less likely to be overweight. These are all factors that strongly reduce the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Now researchers are trying to take into account not counting those factors, but that is not always easy.

You buy Alka tea at the web-shops below:

You can easily buy Alka tea online at the Alka website yourself or at Vitaminstore

What is Alka tea good for?

  1. Support drainage of acid waste via the kidneys and urinary tract
  2. Provides for a healthy bladder and a healthy urinary system
  3. Helps with good digestion
  4. Contains natural antioxidants that are important for your immune system
  5. Helps maintain a healthy body weight

In addition to the above, there are also very good experiences with Alka tea and deacidification with tea for various diseases. Deacidifying with tea provides relief for:

  1. Arthrosis
  2. Hair loss
  3. Cellulite
  4. Psoriasis
  5. Stress
  6. Hormonal complaints
  7. Gout
  8. Chronic fatigue

And so on. There are many complaints that are solved or relieved by using Alka tea, or Alka drops or the greens of Alka † Would you like to read more about the experiences with Alka products? Then check here .

Alka-tea for-weight loss

Alka tea is not a panacea, but it can support your body in various processes. One of those processes is losing weight. Of course it is also important to pay attention to your diet and to have sufficient exercise, but in this case deacidification with tea also ensures that the waste products are removed faster.

You order this tea simply here.

Alka Tea to deacidify

In any case, it is known that herbs support the building blocks of our body and that is not an unnecessary luxury. So what is Alka tea good for? You can detoxify , detox, detoxify or even better:deacidify † This super healthy body cleanse tackles the waste acids that our bodies have stored over the years. We dine too heavily, worry too much or exercise too hard (yes, that's also possible). Acidification is the result, but luckily you can partly restore the balance with herbs and then deacidify with tea.

Which 52 herbs are in Alka tea?

Recently I received Alka Tea in the mail. This tea contains a selection of no fewer than 52 herbs (!) that together ensure optimal deacidification.

Herbs such as fennel, lovage, raspberry leaf, mate leaves, grass root, horsetail, dandelion root, agrimony, peppermint leaf, turmeric, raspberry leaf, elder, rosemary, chamomile, thyme, savory, blackberry leaf, nettle leaves and many more make a strong case for a fit body and a good feeling.

How often do you drink Alka tea per day?

You should drink 3-5 cups of tea a day of this otherwise very tasty tea. Now that may not be easy for everyone, but if I do my best I can manage just fine, those 3 cups of Alka Tea. Of course I also like to drink a cappuccino when I wake up, but then I start with the Alka Tea.

With dinner I no longer drink tea, but water. So I already have my 3 mugs of tea around 14.00. In addition, I now also try to grab a cup of tea faster in the evening, especially now that I have read that it helps to deacidify. So we are on the right track with the deacidification with tea.

ps:keep in mind that if you suddenly start deacidifying, you might get some headaches in the beginning. In any case, make sure that you also drink enough water so that the waste products can be removed better.

How does acidification arise?

Acidification is something that everyone has to deal with. It cannot be prevented, but you can reduce it. You do this by eating as little sugar as possible, eating a lot of vegetables and leaving out carbonated drinks and sweetened fruit juices. And you can deacidify with tea. Incidentally, red meat, for example, is also something you should moderate.

Also read:Green tea with mint, healthy, relaxing and beneficial

De-acidifying with tea; Alka tea is the favourite

Deacidification with tea is therefore done to keep your acidity a bit in balance. In addition, you can deacidify with tea by using herbs. This neutralizes the stored acids. Herbs such as fennel, dandelion, tricolor violet and mate leaves have these powers and are incorporated in the Alka Tea. The other 48 herbs – from anise to black pepper – each contribute in their own way to a fit and healthy body. Alka Tea indicates that their tea does the following:it increases the circulation of the body, cleanses the bladder, liver and kidneys and contributes daily to cleaning up acids that have settled in your body.

Review Alka tea

The way I feel now, it indeed seems to work, especially if I combine it after exercise with the basic bath salts to deacidify my body † I also have to get a better 'feel' for myself with my acidification symptoms. So work to do, because I think I can actually use the deacidification with tea. However, there are a few places in my body where I need extra help besides deacidifying with tea. For example, the spot in my calf where the hernia struck last year. My left calf is therefore very sensitive to cramps, and I think deacidification is a good remedy for that.

I clearly notice that I feel more energetic by using Alka products.

Also read:Tea is healthy, new disc of five is clear!

Delicious tea, that Alka Tea!

What I do know is that Alka Tea is a delicious tea to drink. And then the choice is not so difficult for me. the only drawback is that there is no 'string' on the bag to lift the bag out of your head and that you often have to go to the toilet. But the latter applies to any tea of ​​course, not just Alka's 😉 . Anyway, I enjoy and relax with a cup of tea and that it helps to deacidify a bit, that's a nice bonus!

Where can you buy Alka Tea online?

Tip:You can buy Alka Tea at various places, but not at every drugstore on the corner, so buying your Alka Tea online may be the easiest option. For example, you order this delicious tea at the Vitaminstore or on the website of Alka herself.

What products does Alka have?

  1. Tea
  2. Magnesium tabs
  3. Cream
  4. Tabs original
  5. Greens
  6. Drops
  7. Basic bath salts
  8. Tabs calcium
  9. Test strips for your acidity