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The Homemade Facial Sauna to Cleanse, Purify and Moisturize your Skin.

The Homemade Facial Sauna to Cleanse, Purify and Moisturize your Skin.

Looking for a technique to maintain a beautiful complexion all year round?

The facial sauna or the steam bath, cleans, purifies and hydrates your skin at the same time and all that for the price of a basin of water!

The facial sauna is a weekly relaxation moment that I love to offer myself and which, moreover, does not ruin me in any way.

The Homemade Facial Sauna to Cleanse, Purify and Moisturize your Skin.

  • Material
  • Step 1 - Preparation
  • Step 2 - The instant steam bath like in an Institute
  • Step 3 - After sauna
  • Good plants
  • Final Tips
  • Savings


- A small basin (or a salad bowl).

- A large bath towel

- Boiled water.

Step 1 - Preparation

A facial sauna will be all the more effective if it is performed on previously clean and exfoliated skin.

So while I boil my water, I proceed to a first quick cleaning with Aleppo soap then I apply a homemade scrub with green clay or a sugar scrub according to my desires.

Step 2 - The instant steam bath like in an Institute

For the atmosphere, and especially to keep me busy while I'm stuck under the towel, I put on some music.

Garnish the basin with a handful of dried plants from your picking (mint, rosemary, lavender...) or 2 drops of essential oil (but then we close our eyes).

Fill the basin with previously boiled water... and let's go!

Take out the large towel. Stand over the basin and cover yourself with the towel for a good ten minutes.

Step 3 - After sauna

Immediately wipe your face with a small clean towel to remove the first impurities encrusted in the skin that have emerged. And there your skin is already very soft.

This is then the best time to apply a toning, purifying or moisturizing mask. The skin is just waiting for it and the active ingredients will penetrate more easily. Yippee!

Good plants

The Homemade Facial Sauna to Cleanse, Purify and Moisturize your Skin.

There are many possibilities depending on the type of skin but also according to the state of health of the moment or the mood. Me, for example, as a former smoker, I take advantage of my facial sauna to clear my airways with eucalyptus and savory.

The following table summarizes in a non-exhaustive way the main plants recommended for the facial sauna according to the type of skin:

Normal Skin

Preferably NOTHING but if you really insist on smelling something:lavender, chamomile, thyme or even rose

Oily Skin

rosemary, thyme, peppermint, bergamot,

Dry Skin

chamomile, marigold, rose, lavender, linden

Combination Skin

lavender, lemon

Sensitive Skin

chamomile, comfrey, marigold

Last Tips

- The facial sauna is strongly discouraged for blotchy skin. Pay attention.

- Avoid going out within an hour to avoid catching cold. That would be stupid.

- Do not stay more than 10 minutes under the towel. It is even advisable to stay there only 5 to 7 min.

Savings achieved

A basin and water, it's not very complicated to find. Dried plants can also be completely free of charge if you go pick your plants and then dry them with a dehydrator for example.

There are also specific facial sauna devices on the market for less than €30 . But personally, I don't see the point to spend 20€ when you can do the same thing with a basin or a salad bowl. The results are the same and FREE.