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My Natural and Free Tip to Moisturize your Skin with Tea.

My Natural and Free Tip to Moisturize your Skin with Tea.

No, it's not just drinking tea, if it's Do you think !

Of course, drinking tea, or just water, is very important for hydrating the body, but that's not what I want to talk to you about.

My trick mainly concerns facial hydration:this can be done in a simple and totally free way with just a cup of tea!

So if you drink a lot of it, like me, find out how it can do double duty.

Hot tea you will drink

My Natural and Free Tip to Moisturize your Skin with Tea.

Because, yes, the heat of tea is the key to this trick, or more precisely, steam what hot tea can produce.

So, the smartest among you will say to me:"yes, but at that time, all you had to do was take some water".

But that's where the special properties of tea come in. which are also conveyed in its vapor (a little less if you take tea bags, but still)!

The steam from a mint tea, for example, will help your skin to hydrate and then close its pores more easily.

A smoked tea vapor will have more relaxing properties (the Chinese and Koreans use it in their hammams)...

Each tea has its own property! It is therefore not limited to a steam bath.

Above your cup you will lean

My Natural and Free Tip to Moisturize your Skin with Tea.

To hydrate yourself with your tea, all you need to do is:

1. make tea (otherwise you'll have trouble!);

2. take a normal cup, or better, an American mug, if you have;

3. lean your face over your cup, and blow towards the edge farthest from you to direct the steam towards your face (it sounds complex said like that, but you will see that it is very simple);

4. drink your tea quietly, letting your pores close.

Do not repeat the operation too many times in a row, on the same cup of tea, otherwise you will have a feeling of "wet" face, and you will lose the benefits of hydration by steam, and in addition, you will drink a cold tea.

No needless money spent on overpriced creams, and no need to waste time in the morning either!

So you save time and money , what more ? And to hydrate yourself in the evening, here is another tip. You can even recycle your tea bags to make fertilizer!

If this trick was useful to you, or you know others to hydrate yourself, share your opinion in comments.