A few pretty curls in your hair would surely add a little spice to your look , is not it ?
But, who has time to spend 45 min to patiently heat her hair, strand by strand, with a curling iron... and this every morning?!
Fortunately, there is a secret to curling your hair quickly! I call it "the ponytail trick " !
It's very simple:instead of curling your hair with the traditional method, which is far too long and tedious, just follow 4 simple steps to get pretty curls in the blink of an eye!
Here is the easy method in 4 quick steps. Watch:
Gather your hair into a high ponytail on your head, then secure it tightly with an elastic.
For wide and flexible curls , divide your hair into 2-3 large sections, depending on the thickness of your hair.
And for smaller and firmer curls , divide your hair into 5 or 6 strands.
Gently heat one of the sections with your curling iron, wrapping it around it. Hold for a few seconds, then release.
Warm up each strand of your ponytail like this.
Remove the elastic from the ponytail and gently tousle your hair with your fingertips.
And There you go ! You now have beautiful curly hair in no time :-)
It's still easier than spending 45 minutes every morning, isn't it?