Do you know the benefits of turmeric ?
Used for centuries in Asia, turmeric is a spice with many virtues.
With its beautiful orange color, turmeric is used as a spice in food preparations.
It is one of the main constituents found in curry.
But curiously, its benefits are still little known.
However, turmeric is a natural medicine containing various scientifically recognized therapeutic virtues.
Indeed, a small pinch of turmeric every day can really improve your health. Here's why:
Acne, eczema, psoriasis... Do you suffer from any of these skin problems?
Then think of turmeric!
You can use it as a poultice on problem areas.
Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties , it purifies and soothes the skin.
Know that it also has an effective action on fungal infections.
But also that it is also an asset for your beauty.
Because it gives the skin of the face a radiant complexion and fights against wrinkles.
But the best part is that it also whitens yellow teeth.
The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of turmeric are no longer in doubt.
This spice notably improves joint mobility.
Rheumatism, lumbago, tendonitis, osteoarthritis...
For millennia, turmeric has been used to relieve pain due to chronic inflammation.
The analgesic action of turmeric can treat pain related to rheumatism, arthritis or those due to tendonitis or aches.
But that's not all...
Thanks to its analgesic action, it is also effective in soothing pain after an operation.
It has been said:turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
This property logically has a beneficial effect on the liver.
It is indeed a hepatoprotector. That is to say, it protects this organ and this whole region (liver, intestines, stomach...).
This root helps the liver to recover more quickly when you have overindulged (alcohol, food) by eliminating toxins.
This spice thus protects the liver and intestine from various inflammatory diseases, including autoimmune hepatitis.
But that's not all ! Consuming turmeric also helps to avoid stomach ulcers .
It also seems that this plant accelerates their healing and reduces gastric acidity.
According to the World Health Organization, turmeric actually relieves digestive disorders.
Stomach aches, nausea, heaviness, loss of appetite...
Turmeric stimulates the appetite and also acts as a protector of the gastric mucosa.
As a true natural medicine, it prevents and treats gastric disorders .
In general, it also facilitates digestion.
Indeed, it reinforces the action of bile during digestion. That's what makes it more effective.
The digestive benefits of turmeric don't stop there.
This root also facilitates and accelerates the digestion of fats.
How? 'Or' What ? By improving the body's metabolism which thus destocks fat more quickly.
These are eliminated naturally and more easily. Perfect for finding a flat stomach and losing weight!
This is why it is often used to promote weight loss.
And no need for synthetic fat burners...
It's a more natural and more economical slimming tip!
Wait ! We haven't told you everything yet.
Turmeric is also an interesting weapon to fight against cholesterol .
Indeed, it facilitates the lowering of blood sugar levels.
As a result, the triglyceride level also decreases.
And that, when you have cholesterol, it's really interesting.
Not only does it help lower bad cholesterol...
But in addition, it helps to maintain the level of good cholesterol.
Associated with a healthy and balanced diet and regular physical activity, turmeric therefore helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.
Good news, more and more studies tend to show that turmeric would prevent the appearance of certain cancers.
It is true that turmeric helps fight against oxidative stress.
And it is this phenomenon that is responsible for cell degeneration.
By fighting against inflammation, the curcumin contained in turmeric would prevent certain cancers such as those of the lungs, breast or ENT sphere.
This molecule would have an anti-cancer action which would also prevent the development of blood cancer and malignant tumors.
Although research is needed to confirm these benefits, current observations are encouraging.
Turmeric would also have a protective effect for the brain.
It would thus help to destroy the protein plaques that degrade certain brain cells.
This phenomenon ends up preventing the transmission of information in the brain.
Curcumin and another compound of turmeric, turmerone, would help to limit this phenomenon and even to avoid it...
Although these effects have yet to be scientifically confirmed.
In any case, the researchers noted that turmeric increases levels of vitamin E which promotes brain development.
Turmeric is a real source of vitamins!
It is rich in iron, manganese, potassium, vitamins C and B6.
It is therefore a super food to fight against general fatigue...
Especially in the middle of winter!
If you feel a little seasonal depression coming, consider stocking up on turmeric!
The effects of turmeric are also felt in the elderly, because it stimulates the immune system .
This cocktail of vitamins helps boost our vitality and energy.
Some studies show that turmeric has preventive properties in the fight against diabetes.
With a healthy diet and the regular practice of a sport, this plant would limit the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
It also allows you to better control your blood sugar level and glycemia.
There you go, you now know all the benefits of turmeric on your health :-)
No need for complicated recipes to consume turmeric.
It's just better to choose it organic, if possible.
Ground, you can put it in many dishes.
Vegetables, omelettes, white meats...
This spice enhances all your dishes without making them too strong, like chilli or pepper.
It is also interesting if you follow a salt-free diet to give more flavor to your food.
But the best is to have fresh turmeric that you grate yourself.
You can also take herbal teas with turmeric and ginger regularly.
You can also consume it in capsules as a dietary supplement at mealtimes.
Before starting a cure of turmeric, Ask your doctor for advice on side effects, dangers and contraindications.
Especially during pregnancy!
Indeed, depending on the problem you want to relieve, the doses of turmeric and the recommended dosage vary.
Additionally, turmeric may interact with certain treatments and medications.
It is therefore strongly recommended to consult a health specialist before taking turmeric dietary supplements.
Note that if you suffer from lesions or stones in the bile ducts, it is imperative to consult your doctor.