200 million people are affected by thyroid disorders worldwide.
This small gland, located at the base of the neck, governs our entire body. When running at idle (hypothyroidism) or conversely, when it gets carried away (hyperthyroidism) , our fitness decreases, we suffer from sleep disorders, our weight varies, our transit is modified and our mood fluctuates.
In addition to therapeutic treatments, diet also plays a crucial role in regulating our thyroid. Why ? Quite simply because to function, it needs iodine, a trace element that our body does not produce. The purpose of the IG thyroid diet is therefore to remedy the harmful effects of a dysfunction of this organ.
Warning:in case of hyperthyroidism, it is not advisable to consume foods rich in iodine if treatment is in progress. Too much can be dangerous. Before starting a specific diet, it is better to ask your doctor for advice.
The thyroid GI diet teaches us to choose and combine foods according to their glycemic index and, in the case of hypothyroidism, to distinguish those that contain the most iodine and selenium (useful for the good assimilation of iodine).
In addition to the foods to favor and those to avoid (which we will discuss in the next step), very simple habits are to be adopted when following the IG thyroid diet.
To obtain maximum health benefits, Dr Pierre Nys imposes 10 rules to apply on a daily basis:
Unsurprisingly, the foods to favor are those that contain the most iodine, namely:dried seaweed such as wakame or nori, smoked haddock, garlic and onion, crustaceans and shellfish, sea fish, fresh pineapple, eggs, dried fruits, cereals or even meat.
Those that contain the most selenium (other than the foods mentioned in the list above):rabbit, wholemeal pasta, red meat, mushrooms, wholemeal bread and legumes.
Because they have negative effects on the thyroid, the consumption of these foods should be limited as much as possible. These are the so-called "goitrogenic" plants, which increase the volume of the thyroid gland. Among them, we find cabbage and its variations (Brussels sprouts, green cabbage, broccoli, white cabbage, cauliflower), watercress, rutabaga, turnip, radishes, sweet potatoes or cassava.
At breakfast , if you have a sweet tooth, you can take:1 coffee or 1 tea without sugar (or slightly sweetened with stevia or agave syrup) + 3 slices of wholemeal bread, toasted or not + 3 tbsp. compote bearing the words "no added sugar" + 1 yoghurt at 0% with 1 tbsp. of agave syrup.
On the other hand, if you prefer salty, you can compose your breakfast as follows:unsweetened tea or coffee (or slightly sweetened with stevia or agave syrup) + 2 slices of wholemeal bread, toasted or not + 2 tbsp. s. fresh goat's cheese + 1 soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg + 1 fruit.
Lunch type can consist of a rice salad with three peppers, a steamed chicken breast, aubergine gratin with tomato and a baked apple. For dinner , a velouté of leeks with almond milk, followed by a dish of garlic mussels accompanied by a zucchini purée with herbs and a fresh fruit for dessert would be very good.
Read:The new thyroid GI diet by Dr. Pierre Nys, Leduc.s editions
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