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Adopt the right reflexes during a heat wave

Adopt the right reflexes during a heat wave

Impossible not to spot the first symptoms. The rising thermometer, a stifling heat that sets in day and night. No doubt, the heat wave is here. Extreme heat harms our body and particularly affects the elderly and children. Here is a little reminder on the right things to do in case of hot weather. Don't get heatstroke this summer!

What to do in the event of a heat wave?

Heat, we love it! It announces this wonderful season that is summer and all the little pleasures that accompany it. However, it sometimes happens that the heat becomes excessive, it is the heat wave. In France, a heat wave is defined as a heat wave resulting from a meteorological phenomenon of abnormally high air temperature, including during the night. This phenomenon can last several days or even several weeks.

In the event of a heat wave, the heat becomes a real enemy for our body and is accompanied by many inconveniences (dehydration, sleep disorders, headaches, dizziness, fever, fatigue, etc.). Here are the right things to do:

  • Drink regularly: don't wait until you're thirsty to hydrate yourself. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 L of water per day. Vary the pleasures by drinking fruit juices, tea. Be careful, avoid consuming alcohol during hot weather.
  • Wet your body :To stay cool, take several showers or baths a day. To moisten your body, you can also use an atomizer or wear pre-moistened clothing.
  • Eat light :in the event of strong heat, it is better to avoid meals that are too copious or too fatty, which stimulate the digestive system and overheat the body. Prefer split meals in small quantities.
  • Avoid going out during the hottest hours :Outdoor activities, such as gardening or sports, should be avoided when temperatures soar. Choose activities and leisure in cool places such as cinemas, libraries, museums, etc.
  • Keep the accommodation cool :if you do not have air conditioning, you must find solutions to keep your home cool. For example, you can close shutters, curtains and blinds. Then ventilate the accommodation at night by creating drafts.
  • Wear light clothing :Choose outfits in which you feel comfortable. Wear light, flowing cotton clothes and light colors.
  • Checking in on loved ones :if you have relatives or neighbors who are more vulnerable to high heat, remember to contact them regularly to make sure that everything is fine, and that they do not need help.

Useful numbers during the heat wave

Do you need advice, information or help? During heat waves, services are available to assist you. For example, you can contact the national information number "Heat Wave Info Service" on 0800 06 66 66. For information on the weather and the vigilance map of Météo France, dial 32 50. Finally, contact your town hall to find out what are the aids put in place in your municipality.

Increased vigilance for vulnerable people

In hot weather, the people most affected are children and the elderly. The 2018 summer heat wave killed 1,500 people in France. This considerable number attests to the success of awareness raising and prevention campaigns. During the heat wave of 2003, the number of deaths was estimated at 19,490. As every year, it is still necessary to take precautions, especially for people at risk:

With the children

  • Babies do not feel thirsty, remember to give them water regularly.
  • If you stay at home, leave them in a single layer, especially for nap time.
  • Even if it's only for a few minutes, never leave your child alone in the car.
  • If you have diversified your child's diet, offer him fresh fruit and green vegetables at mealtimes to promote hydration.

With the elderly

More vulnerable to the heat wave, seniors should be watched closely. In fact, older people produce less sweat than younger people. Thus, the body has difficulty adapting to high temperatures.

  • Older people should drink regularly, without even feeling thirsty. Indeed, the feeling of thirst is also disturbed in seniors, because it is out of step with their real needs.
  • Older people sweat very little and are often unaware that the temperature is abnormally high. They should therefore be encouraged to wear light clothing.
  • You should also avoid going out during the hottest hours as much as possible, especially between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. And if an outing is planned, it is recommended to cover your head.
  • To maintain a cool temperature in the home, consider closing the shutters during the day and creating a draft at night.

Heat wave and work, what do you need to know?

During a heat wave, if you work in a closed office, your employer is not obliged to install air conditioning. However, he must ensure that the air is ventilated and renewed. Wherever you work, your employer must provide you with fresh drinking water. In the event of intense heat, working hours may be delayed.

When temperatures soar, you have to take precautions so as not to put your health at risk. This is even more the case for vulnerable people such as children and the elderly, who deserve the greatest attention. You are ready for a peaceful summer!