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Senses as a personal view of the world

Welcome to the worry train… Today we stop at the station of the senses.

I was much calmer this week and therefore enjoyed the reactions I received from the first readers in my booklet. I was able to continue with a good feeling, without the stress I had experienced last week and without much worry. How was your week?

Because our senses are so important to our general well-being, I want to reflect on this today!

What we see, hear, feel, smell or taste affects our well-being just as much as what we eat and drink. Using your senses well will therefore help you to feel better about yourself.

Every person is unique and so are his or her senses. So we can say that the senses can determine the personal view of this beautiful world.

The eyes:our most important sense

We look with our eyes and our brains. The eyes absorb the light stimuli and the brain makes images of them. This is then supplemented with your knowledge and experiences.

So you actually color your world in your own way. You often see things that I don't and vice versa.

We can therefore also call seeing consciously perceiving.

For example, you can get in a positive mood by looking at the beautiful colors of the flower field. Just think of the sunflower fields in France. Everyone wants a picture of that, right?

Your eyes show others how well you are doing. You yourself have already said to someone “Your eyes shine with joy”.

Colors are an important part of our daily life! In my booklet “I think I think too much” I devoted a chapter to this. Research has shown that colors have a strong influence on our emotions and feelings.

For example, if you were to paint your room in red. Know that this will provide energy but that too much red can also provoke anger and frustration. So every color has its properties. Interesting to know.

The ears

We perceive sound all the time. This can be ordinary everyday noises such as conversations, the radio, cars,.. Unlike your eyes, it is much more difficult to shut yourself off from sound. You already need to use tools for this. Sound often evokes emotions. The vibrations and frequencies cause reactions in your brain, nervous system and your entire body. Do you already know binaural stroke therapy? This is often used against stress and anxiety. But also singing bowls are increasingly used in therapy to relax. I also paid attention to that in the booklet.

Hearing is not the same as listening!

We can say that listening is a conscious activity. You allow sounds to penetrate and interpret. Sound can make us relax. But you can get into a certain mood by listening to music. Sometimes this makes you very happy, but it can also make you very sad. People who are sensitive to noises can quickly become disturbed by cars, trains, animals, ... Sometimes the ordinary sounds are already intolerable!

So we can say that sound can contribute to a positive or a negative experience.

Everyone has the need to be heard and understood. Especially if you suffer from stress, anxiety or tension, it is important that you feel that you are being listened to!

Try to be a listening ear in the way that the person sitting in front of you wants to. This can be done by giving advice or asking questions, but it can also be that the person just wants to let off steam and does not expect a response. It is important that you feel this.

Next week we will travel a little further with this theme!

Enjoy what you see and hear next week!

Kind regards,
