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Migraine, this evil which affects 10 million French people

During a recent interview, a neurologist recalled the different symptoms of migraine and the existing treatments. For this specialist, taking triptans is important to block pain and associated symptoms. However, a new background treatment has just arrived on the market.

An evil affecting many people

Migraine is a type of headache (headache) that can last between 4 and 72 hours depending on its severity. Jérôme Mawet, neurologist at the headache emergency center at Lariboisière hospital in Paris, spoke about this ailment in an interview published by RTL on September 12, 2021. The person concerned first recalled that 12 to 15% of the population suffers from migraines daily or frequently – around 10 million people.

You should know that men are more spared than women, for hormonal reasons. For Jérôme Mawet, migraine is a real disease characterized by the repetition of multiple attacks of pain intense, the intensity of which increases with the slightest effort. There is also talk of increased sensitivity to noise and light, nausea and even discomfort with certain smells.

Migraine, this evil which affects 10 million French people

Migraineurs are not all equal

Chronic migraine is the most severe form of this type of headache. Its definition is simple, since the notion of chronic is related to the fact that the individual spends more days suffering the effects of migraine than days without. Jérôme Mawet recalled that migraine sufferers are not all equal in the face of this disease. Some will have maybe five attacks a month and each time will be able to control their migraine in a few hours. Others may have chronic attacks lasting for two weeks a month.

Two types of processing stand out. First, anti-inflammatories and your triptans can block the pain and associated symptoms . Nevertheless, remember that paracetamol is not very effective and that codeine-based drugs are not recommended. Let's also mention botox, which is a basic treatment. This has proven its effectiveness on migraine for a decade. However, the marketing authorization is very recent since it dates back only a few weeks.

Regarding research, progress appears quite regularly. In 2018, for example, we mentioned research carried out by Inserm at the origin of a discovery giving the hope of boosting migraine treatments . Scientists have identified a region of the brain called the pia mater that plays a role in causing pain in the eye sockets and forehead.