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This company is developing an oral coronavirus vaccine

Canadian researchers and an American biotechnology company are collaborating to develop an oral vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Nothing is final yet. However, this solution would have several advantages over injection vaccines. Indeed, its transport and storage would be much more convenient.

Very promising results

Not long ago, we mentioned the work of Japanese researchers who have developed an oral vaccine against cholera. This one had the distinction of having "grown" in transgenic rice . In an article of July 7, 2021, the Canadian channel CTV News mentioned another oral vaccine, the objective of which this time is to fight against Covid-19 . The American company Rapid Dose Therapeutics and a team from McMaster University (Canada) have joined forces to work on a kind of strip that dissolves in the mouth.

Officials say Covid vaccine in strip dissolves in eleven seconds . Additionally, the dose would pass into the bloodstream as the strip dissolves in the mouth. In theory, this is a very convenient solution for administering vaccines and other medications. However, the product is in the development stage, so you will have to be patient.

Nevertheless, the researchers seem to have already made good progress, since they presented a preclinical study on animals whose results are encouraging. Indeed, the strips in question have been shown to be effective in the propagation of proteins by the buccal or sublingual route e (under the tongue) to trigger an immune response.

This company is developing an oral coronavirus vaccine

Accelerating vaccination globally

Preliminary results have also shown that the proteins infused in the strips maintain stability up to 40°C . So there is no need to refrigerate them. In comparison, some vaccines must be stored at a temperature between between -15 and -80°C , which poses real logistical problems. According to the researchers, the absence of storage constraints would make it very easy to redistribute the strips around the world.

Remember in passing that many hot countries do not have sufficient means to maintain vaccines at very low temperatures . Thus, the possibility of such an oral vaccine could represent a viable solution and thus make it possible to accelerate the vaccination campaign in certain countries in difficulty. In addition, this vaccine is more economical, making it possible to do without, in addition to the cold chain, vials, syringes and qualified personnel.

From now on, the leaders of the project are starting the second stage. This time it is a question of administering molecules of the virus by means of the strips. This will aim to measure the immune response. Finally, the researchers believe that in the near future, this means could be used to administer booster doses. It could also be a solution to fight against other diseases such as influenza or dengue fever.