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Is "bedroom sport" really one?

To make some people happy, we're going to say that making love is equivalent to playing sports. However, this activity is not comparable to an intensive sports practice even if the act lasts a long time!

Even for the greatest "performers", the sexual act is not really to be compared to a sport. No, making love does not correspond to running a marathon or even jogging at 8km/h! However, a study conducted in Quebec in 2013 claims that "indoor sports" is still more effective than walking at 5km/h.

In this study, the researchers tested 42 heterosexual volunteers. They first ran on a treadmill for half an hour and then returned home with the mission of visiting the researchers again after having made love four times. According to Canadian scientists, the heart is very stressed since the heart rate can show up to 180 beats per minute! In terms of calories burned, the men burned 9.2 calories per minute on the treadmill versus 4.2 calories per minute during sex. The women burned 7.1 per minute on the mat compared to 3.1 during the act.

If sex can be considered a kind of light sport, it could still halve the risk of heart attack (or stroke) in the case of repeated practice at least four times a week. In addition, it is often said that sex practiced on the eve of a competition can harm performance. This is a completely false idea, especially since it can even help reduce stress!

Is  bedroom sport  really one?

You should know that the measurement of energy expenditure related to sexual practice has occupied researchers since the 1950s. Indeed, a certain Dr. Bartlett had already understood in 1956 that orgasm was accompanied by a significant increase in heart rate. The physiologist also mentioned hyperventilation occurring during erotic arousal as well as when orgasm occurs.

Sources:Science &Vie – AlloDocteurs – ICI Radio Canada