The flu doesn't spare us.
In recent years, the epidemics have become more and more ferocious and are extremely tiring.
The main thing is to rest and bring down the fever, but know that some natural gestures also help fight this nasty virus.
The most important thing, when the flu symptoms arrive, is to go see a doctor . He'll give you what you need to heal yourself.
But we can, in a completely natural way and complementary to a possible treatment, get rid of it faster.
At home or in the office, do not hesitate to ventilate at least twice a day for10 to 20 minutes . As soon as an epidemic is announced, or even if the flu is already installed, this simple gesture will purify the air in the room.
You can purify even more room air with essential oils, such as a mixture of ravintsara (immunostimulant) and lemon (cleansing and refreshing).
If you are not affected by the flu, prevent the risk of contamination by exercising.
Walk 1/2 hour per day is already excellent for maintaining you and allowing your body to fight effectively against external aggressions.
If you go out, bring a few drops of ravintsara oil that you gently pour on a handkerchief. Breathe regularly, this will help keep germs at bay.
As with any other contagious disease, you absolutely must wash your hands several times a day and take the usual precautions that we have already mentioned against winter viruses.
We help the purification by a consumption that will pamper our intestinal flora . On the menu, plan two probiotic yoghurts per day, but also cheeses, such as camembert, brie or munster, whose rinds contain the "good" bacteria that fight against the bad ones.
If you are really "woozy", ask for a cure of trace elements to your doctor, in addition (copper-gold-silver).
This isn't the first time we've told you about it. Magnesium chloride has many virtues. I even advise you not to wait until you have the flu to do one or two cures a year.
It is not expensive (on average €1.20 for 20 grams) and fights against all the nasty everyday ailments. Here, it will strengthen your body, help you protect yourself from the virus and overcome fatigue. You'll be back on your feet faster.
Flu being viral , it does not require antibiotics.
The homeopathic track is quite possible in this case. Non-aggressive treatment, with no contraindications in principle (ask your doctor's opinion, however), this method has the advantage of controlling the evolution of the pathology. Provided it is taken as soon as the symptoms begin .
- In prevention:Oscillococcinum one dose every 15 days from October to March, or Influenzinum 9CH one dose every week for 2 to 3 months, then one dose per month for 3 months.
- As a curative method:a dose of Oscillococcinum to be renewed every 6 hours, one hour after this intake, take either a single dose of Sulfur 15CH, or 2 doses of Serum Yersin 9CH (12 hours apart).
Do not hesitate to consult a homeopathic doctor or pharmacist , who will complete this treatment if necessary with other remedies indicated for your symptoms.