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Why does Germany have "vaccinodromes" and France does not?

Germany and France do not have the same strategy for their respective vaccination campaigns against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Thus, the method used is different on each side of the border. Across the Rhine, there are "vaccinodromes", that is to say important vaccination centers.

Two very different strategies

On January 4, 2021, France Info offered to compare the progress of the campaign vaccination in France with that of other countries. In the United States, more than 4 million people have been vaccinated, and 1 million in Israel. At the same time in our country, just over 500 people had received their first injection. In other words, the progress of the campaign in France is slow, far too slow for some citizens. At the end of December, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran had tried to reassure on this fact already identified. The interested party promised results similar to those of Germany . However, our neighbor seems very organized with the establishment of large vaccinodromes.

In France, the government has decided to bet on doctors and other health professionals. The slow start experienced by France would therefore be logical. Nevertheless, the government announced at the beginning of January an acceleration of the strategy. This is to include healthcare professionals over the age of 50 in the first phase of vaccination.

Why does Germany have  vaccinodromes  and France does not?

440 vaccinodromes in Germany

The term "vaccinodrome" is relative to places for vaccination usually located in large gymnasiums (or indoor stadiums) that have been refurbished. As the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung explained on December 25, 2020, the country has no less than 440 vaccination centers throughout its territory. In the coming weeks, millions of people are expected there for an injection. The campaign started on December 27 and until January 2, vaccination had concerned no less than 230,000 people.

These vaccinodromes are characterized by large aisles contrasting with small spaces isolated for injection. The logistics also seem rather well established, concerning transport between the storage centers and the vaccinodromes, despite a recent blunder in Bavaria. In addition, each center would have a capacity of 5,000 injections per day . However, this is a theoretical ability. Indeed, several centers closed their doors during New Year's week due to low attendance.

In France, Olivier Véran announced the appearance of vaccination centers from February 2021. The primary objective is to vaccinate people aged 75 and over. Then will come the turn of the over 65s, etc. Nevertheless, everything should remain very different from what is happening in Germany. This country has sought from the outset to vaccinate the elderly, health personnel and people with at-risk pathologies. Despite the promise of an acceleration of the processes, France continues to want to split the audiences concerned by phase . In reality, what Germany has tried to do is very simple:deal effectively with mass vaccination.

Here is a small report made by France 24, presenting the German vaccinodromes: