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Covid-19:what should or should not be done before and after getting vaccinated?

After a slow start, the vaccination campaign in France is following its course, as in many countries around the world. Here is a reminder of the actions to adopt or not to adopt before and after receiving the injection.

The things to avoid when you have to get vaccinated

All over the world, governments vaccinate their population against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In France, more than 1.2 million people have received their first injection since the start of the campaign on December 27, 2020. The United States is undoubtedly the country that vaccinates the most with the aim of completing its campaign by this summer for the entire population. Remember that, like France, the United States is also leading this campaign using vaccines from Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna. In an article published on January 25, 2021, CNN made a list of do's and don'ts before and after getting vaccinated.

First, CNN believes it is important to avoid being disturbed by the many fake news circulating on the web, mainly on social networks. Then, you must avoid at all costs going to a place of vaccination if you are positive for the coronavirus, or even if you are a "contact case". The best thing to do in this case is to wait for the disease to pass.

Covid-19:what should or should not be done before and after getting vaccinated?

The non-compliance with fourteen days interval required between the two injections should also be avoided. In addition, it is advisable to stay close to the place of vaccination after receiving an injection. Indeed, it is possible that undesirable effects appear between fifteen and thirty minutes after administration. Not respecting this point can be very problematic if you then have to drive, for example.

Attitudes to adopt

CNN has also listed the gestures and good attitudes to adopt during vaccination campaigns. For example, it is advisable to get vaccinated even if you have already been infected previously. Indeed, the duration of natural immunity is not yet very clear and would differ depending on the individual. According to some studies, this immunity would last between six and eight months, or even longer.

The US media reported the words of Dr. Peter Hotez, a renowned scientist across the Atlantic. He believes it is necessary to get vaccinated even if you have persistent symptoms in the months after infection. Nevertheless, the High Authority for Health (HAS) in France has a contrary opinion.

Finally, it is important to well inform the health personnel in charge of the vaccination on your possible allergies. Indeed, some allergic reactions may occur after the administration of the vaccine.