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Temperature taking:where and how? From what temperature does one have a fever?

Temperature taking:where and how? From what temperature does one have a fever?

The temperature is an indicator associated with symptoms that makes it possible to determine whether a person suffers from a pathology. For some time now, due to the Covid 19 health crisis, many people have checked their temperature frequently. On the other hand, depending on the body area chosen to take it, the heat differs. Here are the different ways to take your temperature to know if you have fever or not.

The different areas of the body where it is possible to take your temperature

The temperature can be taken in the ear with an appropriate thermometer, be rectal , to be taken under the armpits , the language or be frontal . If you notice that you have a hot forehead, chills or even shiny eyes, it is strongly advised to take your temperature. The rectal temperature remains the most reliable of all. The thermometer used is electronic as by axillary or oral route. The infrared thermometer is auricular.

Normal temperature

The normal temperature of the human body evolves between 36°8 and 37°3 at rest . If taken rectally and reaches 37°8 to 38°C , then it is a fever. The body temperature at rest is always lower in the morning than in the evening in normal situation. You should also know that a high temperature has no relation to the severity of a disease. Thus, a temperature of 39°5 to 40° C is not necessarily worrying whether in adults or children. This high temperature remains a simple indicator. It is especially important to monitor its impact and the symptoms that go with the fever. A normal temperature is called the basal temperature.

How to check a basal temperature?

To check your basal temperature or normal body temperature , if you are in good health, it should be taken when you wake up, twelve hours after eating and before exercising. This temperature may be lower in one person than in another. It is advisable to check it in the morning before getting up and always at the same time if you want to do several checks. The woman has a basal temperature according to her cycle before menopause. At the beginning of the cycle, the basal temperature drops below 37° C. It then rises during ovulation and remains so during the second half of the cycle to drop back down to around 28 e day.

Taking the temperature on the forehead

If you use an infrared forehead thermometer , or a crystal thermometer , know that the first is contactless and that it is fast, but less sensitive than the other methods used to check your body temperature. It uses near infrared radiation from the temporal artery. This method is not recommended for infants or children, especially if it is a crystal thermometer that is too imprecise.

Taking the axillary temperature

The axillary temperature or temperature taken under the arm is less accurate than rectal temperature. Always add 0.5°C to the result obtained by the measurement. To take it, the armpit must be absolutely dry. The electronic thermometer is placed in the hollow of the armpit so that it is perpendicular to your body. Then lower your arm and press it against your chest so that there is no contact with the outside air and in order to have a more accurate measurement reading.

Rectal temperature measurement

Since 1996, mercury thermometers were withdrawn from sale as they could be dangerous if broken. The rectal temperature is now measured with an electronic digital thermometer . For this reading to be accurate, the tip of the thermometer must be inserted into the rectum to a maximum depth of 2 cm. To facilitate the task, it is recommended to put a little petroleum jelly or cold water. If you use this thermometer in an infant, it must be taken a maximum of 3 times a day to avoid possible risks of cracks or not to traumatize the child. The thermometer beeps in seconds and you can take it out to check body temperature.

Temperature measurement in the mouth

The temperature in the mouth is taken with an electronic thermometer and from five years old. The thermometer should be placed under the tongue while being in contact with her. Close your mouth and don't bite the thermometer. In a few seconds, you will hear the beep signaling that the temperature is recorded. You have to add 0.5° C to the figure you read. For this method to work properly, it is advisable not to drink cold or hot or not to smoke just before.

Temperature measurement in the ear

Taking temperature in the ear is carried out using an infrared thermometer . This method can be applied from the age of two, but it is better to practice it on adults. In practice, use a disposable tip. Pull the ear up and insert the thermometer into the ear canal. Wait for the sound validating the temperature measurement. Repeat the measurement two to three times and keep the highest value which remains fairly reliable.

Remember to clean a thermometer

Once you have used an electronic thermometer, always clean and disinfect it after each use . You can wash the tip with soapy water and wipe it dry after rinsing it, or disinfect it with an alcohol swab before storing it in its case. Never fully immerse the thermometer in any liquid as this may completely destroy it.

The rectal route for adults is the most reliable way to get an accurate body temperature. The oral route is also recommended for adults and children over five years old. For the smallest children and infants, prefer the rectal route.