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How does orgasm work and why is it so pleasant?

Where does orgasm come from so pleasurable? In order to encourage the species to reproduce, one would answer. But from a physiological point of view, what happens? Many works have been dedicated to the study of the phenomenon. And although many gray areas persist, recent advances in neuroscience make it possible to see things more clearly.

If the enjoyment encountered during orgasm is of obvious evolutionary interest, the very origin of the phenomenonremains rather obscure . However, recent advances in neuroscience have shed light on some key mechanisms. Advances on the issue were condensed in a review study published in 2016 in the journal Socioaffective Neuroscience &Psychology .

Rhythms and brainwave synchronization

In the neurophenomenological model presented in the paper, orgasm appears as an altered state of consciousness resulting from the rhythmic stimulation of the erogenous zones. More precisely, this stimulation induces a synchronization of brain waves. Initially limited to a few primary neural networks, it gradually extends to the whole brain . Also known as neural training .

It actually embodies the establishment of a process of sensory focus . When it reaches such an intensity that awareness of self and surroundings is exceeded, the subject enters a trance state. It's orgasm. In this ascent to seventh heaven, the rhythmic stimulation plays a major role.

Timing is important for signal propagation in the brain because neurons are more likely to fire if stimulated multiple times within a narrow time window explains Adam Safron, author of the study. “Otherwise, the signals fade away as part of a general reset mechanism, rather than build each other .

How does orgasm work and why is it so pleasant?

Contrary to common belief, substances such as dopamine or endorphins are not the cause of orgasm, although they are released during it. For example, dopamine plays a key role in the reward circuitry . A reflex that encourages you to reproduce any experience that provides noticeable pleasure.

Finally, note that while it is possible to objectify the mechanisms leading to orgasm, the way it feels remains subjective . Like our vision of the world and its colors, which have no existence of their own. What exists are electromagnetic waves of different frequencies. For orgasm, it's the same. Objectively, it would be a generalized synchronization of brain waves at a particular frequency.

Change the way of perceiving orgasm

Presented in a slightly disenchanted way, orgasm is ultimately just a kind of cerebral short circuit . Like epileptic seizures, loss of control is a notable feature. We find a frequent parallel between the two in the specialized literature.

The idea that sexual experiences can be analogous to trance states is in some ways old. It turns out that this idea is supported by modern understanding of neuroscience says Adam Safron. “In theory, it could change the way people view their sexuality .

In view of what has been exposed previously, we understand better why in a situation of stress or psychological discomfort, difficulties in reaching orgasm can be encountered. As we have seen, the latter is an altered state of consciousness resulting from a sensory focus. In other words, letting go. However, sometimes, when parasitic thoughts appear, the subject keeps one foot on the ground and a level of consciousness that is too high so that the orgasm is triggered.

"[This] can serve as a mechanism for ensuring adaptive mate choice" reads the abstract of the study. Thus, the work described can be used to better support and help people suffering from sexual disorders.

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