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Symptoms &Prevention Q fever

The Netherlands is under the spell of Q fever. Following the news that four people have already died, Santé lists the facts for you. What are the symptoms of Q fever? And how can you prevent the disease?

Usually after infection one shows no symptoms or a transient flu-like picture. Because an infection with this bacteria spreads throughout the body, many different symptoms are possible. On average, the symptoms start two to three weeks after infection, but this can go up to six weeks.

Clear symptoms are a severe headache (in the acute onset) and a variable fever course. Other possible symptoms include chills, muscle aches, sweating, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a relatively low heart rate. Also, a dry cough and chest pain can occur in case of pneumonia. Quite often in Q fever, liver inflammation occurs without symptoms. In a chronic infection, these symptoms can appear up to ten years after the first causative infection.

Do not consume raw milk (products). In addition, people from certain risk groups, such as veterinarians, livestock farmers, laboratory technicians and slaughterhouse staff must be well aware of the risk of Q fever, so that complaints can be treated adequately. It is especially the period around lambs/calves when many bacteria can end up in the environment, so maximum hygiene is of great importance.

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