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Coronavirus:the epidemic could reach its peak "in a week or 10 days", says a specialist

Coronavirus currently plaguing China could peak 'within a week or 10 days,' says respiratory specialist.

The Chinese coronavirus continues to rage. This Tuesday morning, the latest official report reported 107 dead , all in China, and more than 4,400 people infected , mostly in the Wuhan area.

Everywhere else the situation has also evolved. A first case of contamination with the coronavirus between humans was notably recorded in Germany (the first in Europe). In Japan, a man who did not go to China but who transported tourists from Wuhan was also said to have been infected.

Despite everything, the authorities remain confident, while more than 56 million people are still quarantined around the cradle of the epidemic.

China works with the international community in a spirit of openness, transparency and scientific coordination Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jun told UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Monday. With a great sense of responsibility, China is sparing no effort to curb the spread of the disease and save lives “.

A peak in "a week or 10 days"

Professor Zhong Nanshan, one of China's top respiratory disease specialists, renowned for helping to stem the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic in 2002-2003 , for his part suggested a few days ago that the epidemic should not experience “large-scale development “.

According to him, the peak of the epidemic could also be reached within "a week or 10 days “, after which “the death rate will start to drop “.

Zeng Guang, the chief epidemiologist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, believes that the situation should then improve with the rise in temperatures, which " is not conducive to the development of infectious respiratory diseases" , he explained.

Coronavirus:the epidemic could reach its peak  in a week or 10 days , says a specialist

An underestimated assessment?

But not everyone agrees. A few days ago, a team of researchers from the University of Hong Kong, led by Gabriel Leung, estimated that the virus may actually have infected many more people than expected.

Based on mathematical models, they estimate that the number of confirmed cases could be in the order of 44,000 people on the date of Saturday (January 25). According to them, the number of infections could continue to double every six days, eventually peaking in April/May.

Finally, let's remember that researchers at Johns-Hopkins University recently created an interactive map allowing us to follow the spread of the 2019-nCoV coronavirus in real time. To access all this data, CLICK HERE.


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