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Electronic cigarette:what are the advantages? Is it a good alternative to traditional cigarettes?

The electronic cigarette (or e-cigarette), what is it? What is the difference with traditional cigarettes? Is it a good alternative before quitting smoking?

First, let's look at what the electronic cigarette is. Appeared in the 2000s, the electronic cigarette (or e-cigarette) is a device for vaporizing a flavored e-liquid, with or without nicotine. During aspiration, the liquid mixed with the inspired air is heated very moderately using an (electric) resistor. It is then diffused in the form of warm vapor inhaled by the user.

Less dangerous than a traditional cigarette?

You should know that vaping systems produce an aerosol without any combustion phenomenon and the heating temperature of the e-liquid is very low. The e-cigarette therefore does not produce smoke, but water vapor which disappears 95% in less than a minute (i.e. 100 times faster than tobacco smoke). In addition, the vapor does not contain harmful tars (causing cancer) or carbon monoxide, harmful to your arteries (and generating cardiovascular diseases).

Scientific studies have notably noted that the rate of nitrosamines (the carcinogenic substances implicated in lung cancer) was reduced by 97% in exclusive vapers, compared to smokers of "combustible" so-called traditional cigarettes.

Therefore, from a risk reduction perspective, vaping is less dangerous than traditional cigarettes.

What about the pros and cons?

The advantages over traditional cigarettes:

  • There is no combustion, unlike traditional cigarettes
  • No need for an ashtray or a lighter
  • There are few or no tobacco-related odors

The disadvantages of the electronic cigarette:

  • At present, as the electronic cigarette is a recent product, there is not yet enough long-term data available on its real impact on health
  • The gesture of smoking is maintained, which can make it difficult to quit smoking
  • Maybe bulky and fragile
  • Requires charging

On the same topic:Electronic cigarettes with nicotine cause lung cancer in mice

The electronic cigarette, a good alternative before quitting smoking?

Using an electronic cigarette maintains the habit of smoking, which can make quitting difficult. However, there are observational studies that indicate that a certain number of smokers quit smoking thanks to the electronic cigarette (starting with e-liquids with added nicotine, then gradually reducing the dosage of nicotine over time). time).

There are many models of electronic cigarettes as well as an impressive amount of e-liquids on the market, around the world. We invite you to consult for more information.

However, there is no miracle:the best way to avoid any risk associated with tobacco consumption is obviously to stop everything. There are no better alternatives.