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Dental implants:functional and aesthetic

These days, many French people are faced with the following question:whether or not to have a dental implant. These implants, elements mainly made of titanium in the color of your teeth, are fixed in both the upper and lower jaw. In our society, this technique is more and more widespread, and allows patients to regain lost aesthetics and functionality.

Similar to real teeth, implants are composed of properties that are biocompatible with the jaw bone. Thanks to the advanced techniques of a dental surgeon, this process makes it possible to fix one or more teeth, replacing damaged, missing or decayed teeth. Taking on average between 30 and 60 minutes, this procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

In addition, these prostheses may need an augmentation of the jawbone if the patient does not have enough, in case the number of teeth to be implanted is large. With a natural appearance, made possible thanks to current technology and by taking into account the color of the patient's teeth, these prostheses allow the people concerned to regain their self-confidence.

Having dental implants has become common these days. Removable or fixed, this artificial root (see image below) is placed only if the bone is healthy. After analyzing the patient, the surgeon will incise the gum, prepare the place of implantation and let this part heal. A few weeks later, the titanium abutment will be placed. However, depending on the case, this expectation is not practiced.


Without pain and without discomfort, this operation will allow the patient to regain the ability to chew, chew and eat without worry. After the placement of this implant, the patient must maintain good oral hygiene in order to keep his implants permanently. Reimbursed in part, this surgical procedure is the subject of a detailed estimate by the surgeon before any intervention.

Related topic:Developments in Dental Care, Dental Technology, and Reimbursements

Benefiting from a simple convalescence, the patient will be prescribed antibiotics for a certain period of time. Additionally, some surgeons use the immediate implant technique, which allows the patient to get used to it before seeing a fixed implant later. Natural looking, this implant will allow you to improve your life, gain comfort and confidence.

Keeping the bone mass of the jaws stable between 10 and 20 years, these implants allow you to grind and chew food without discomfort or pain. Before starting an implant placement session, the surgeon will check that the teeth are in good health, so that the operation goes as well as possible and that the screws can be maintained correctly in the bone. To do this, the dentist will take a panoramic x-ray of your teeth. With a very low failure rate, this operation simply and quickly restores smiles to the many patients who benefit from this surgery each year.