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Lymphatic drainage:what are the benefits?

Lymphatic drainage:what are the benefits?

Have you heard of this massage capable of boosting blood circulation to better fight against cellulite, the feeling of heavy legs and edema? However, lymphatic drainage is undoubtedly an effective method to put an end to orange peel skin, water retention and swollen legs. We take stock!

Why is lymphatic drainage attractive?

Lymphatic drainage stimulates the circulation of lymph to the veins and the heart using gentle movements. The objective here is to stimulate this circulation to limit the presence of edema, swelling due to the accumulation of fluid between the tissues.

Good to know:what is lymph?

Found in 8 to 10 liters in the body, lymph is a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. Contained between the cells, within the organs themselves, it circulates through a network of lymphatic vessels. It therefore actively participates in the proper functioning of the body by ensuring the role of eviction of waste towards the lymph nodes, which are then responsible for eliminating them. Once filtered, it resumes its circulation to help the absorption of nutrients in the organs.

Light legs

Under the action of these massages, the legs benefit from many benefits. First of all, they are lighter, since the lymph is redirected to strategic organs, such as the heart. Edema is thus reduced, lymphatic circulation is revived and the legs are freed from any feeling of heaviness.

It promotes recovery after injury

This " recirculation " of the lymph can reduce your healing time in the presence of an injury. Filtered and recharged, it then reaches the level of the scarred area, which can therefore benefit from the restorative and reconstructive action of certain nutrients.

It fights against certain evils of obesity

In the presence of this disease, it is common to see the appearance of lymphedema. This accumulation of lymph in certain parts of the body then leads to inflammation of the upper and lower limbs, and feelings of heaviness. It is necessary to perform lymphatic drainage to reduce or eliminate them.

Aesthetic effects

Again, the benefits are many. By allowing the lymph to "recirculate" and by reducing edema, the massage reduces the "orange peel skin" appearance and cellulite can be partially eliminated. Practiced on the face, lymphatic drainage can prevent the appearance of wrinkles and fight against acne (by eliminating the waste produced at the level of these inflammations). These massages are performed in an institute, a center for alternative medicine or with a physiotherapist masseur.

When to practice this technique?

All people suffering from heavy leg sensations or edema can take advantage of lymphatic drainage to make them disappear. This is especially the case for people who have undergone abdominoplasty. After such an intervention, fluid can accumulate and lead to the appearance of lymphedema. These disappear spontaneously after a few weeks. Performing lymphatic drainage eliminates them more quickly and promotes proper healing.

Likewise, it is highly recommended after an injury, to help recovery (sprain, bruises, etc.). Cancer is also a disease for which lymphatic drainage can help. After surgery for breast cancer, for example, almost one in five patients[1] suffer from lymphedema in the arm, chest or chest wall.

Is lymphatic drainage reimbursed?

When lymphatic drainage is prescribed by a doctor and accompanied by a prescription, it can be reimbursed up to 60%. The price of a session is generally between €20 and €50 depending on the practitioner and the area to be massaged. The number of sessions required is determined by your doctor, according to your needs.

Also note that if this lymphatic drainage is prescribed to you as part of a long-term condition, it can be covered 100% by Social Security. However, it cannot be reimbursed if it is made for aesthetic purposes only.

How is this technique practiced?

Lymphatic drainage must always be gentle, in order to respect the particularly fragile lymphatic vessels. To perform the massage, the practitioner can then use his hands or a specific device.

Manual massage

When working with bare hands, the physiotherapist alternates pressure and depression on the area to be massaged for an hour. Moving slowly and gently up the body, it causes the lymph to flow in the same direction.

Mechanical massage

Devices specially designed for this technique also allow the lymph to circulate. This is pressotherapy. You then put on boots, an abdominal belt and very covering sleeves, which will then exert gentle pressure on the lower limbs, stomach and upper limbs. The session here lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.

Lymphatic drainage has many virtues. It takes care of both your health and sculpts your figure. Practiced in an institute, in a center of alternative medicine or with a physiotherapist, it can even be reimbursed by your Social Security or your mutual insurance company.

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