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Are e-cigarettes more harmful to the nose than traditional cigarettes?

Since the appearance of electronic cigarettes, the debate around the health risks of conventional cigarettes seems to be endless. A recent American study, however, points to a particular risk linked to the way of smoking e-cigarettes.

How to consume e-cigarettes seems important

For several years, studies on electronic cigarettes have been piling up. It must be said that this is a real public health issue. Indeed, in the United States, one in twenty people is a fan of vaping. However, the results of these different studies are quite mixed. In 2019, researchers claimed, for example, that a toxic molecule present in liquids could damage vital organs. Another study from 2020 nevertheless highlighted undeniable short-term benefits.

In a statement released on March 1, 2022, a team from NYU Langone Health Medical Center detailed two new studies on the subject. While e-cigarettes are generally considered to pose fewer risks than conventional cigarettes, scientists say that the harmful effects on certain parts of the body depend on how they are consumed .

Are e-cigarettes more harmful to the nose than traditional cigarettes?

Results to deepen

This is not a scoop:the e-cigarette is considered to be less harmful than the others due to the absence of combustion . Nevertheless, other products would make e-cigarettes harmful in their own way. The leaders of the study therefore say that to assess the potential risks, it is not enough to look at the consequences on the level of the lungs. For the specialists, it is necessary to know the path of consumption or rather the way of consuming. For example, you should know that e-cigarette smokers tend to often spit smoke through their nose .

The study brought together 123 vapers and 122 smokers of traditional cigarettes. However, 63% of vapers coughed up smoke through their nose compared to 22% of regular smokers. For scientists, it is possible that this exposes e-cigarette smokers to more risks in the nose and sinuses. Another study was then conducted by the same team, which concluded that there were inflammatory cells in the nostrils ten times greater in vapers than in others.

Nevertheless, this research deserves to be deepened and, by the very admission of scientists, the return on the consumption of e-cigarettes is still not enough. Indeed, the gradual democratization of vaping began less than twenty years ago.