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The electronic cigarette and its advantages

Nicotine is known to be an addictive substance and a neurotoxin; this can lead to physical dependence and cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Fetuses and infants can absorb nicotine through the placenta or breast milk. Due to adverse effects on lung development, heart, and central nervous system, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use e-cigarettes.

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Scientific studies focus on vaping

The ASH Report, a publication of the UK non-profit Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), which aims to provide information on smoking, runs its own campaigns and receives part funding from the UK Department of Health . It classifies e-cigarettes as effective habituation agents. According to the report, 77% of all UK e-cigarette users consume liquids containing around 18mg/ml or less of nicotine.

On this basis, 13 puffs from an e-cigarette filled with such a liquid corresponds to the amount of nicotine during the consumption of a cigarette. The actual amount of nicotine consumed by e-cigarette users depends not only on the concentration of nicotine in the liquid, but also on the device and usage behavior, including the number of puffs.

Vaping and e-cigarettes as cessation aids

One thing is certain:there is a scientific consensus that electronic cigarettes are less harmful than traditional cigarettes. However, long-term studies are lacking to be able to seriously assess a possible health risk. Available studies on the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid are of limited scientific significance.

Moreover, in a third of all existing studies, the scientific authors show conflicts of interest. The SMC has now developed an overview of the situation of the scientific study (fact sheet) on the subject of e-cigarettes. You can read there which results are scientifically proven and which are not. At the same time, it explains the open research questions.

For example, if e-cigarettes are more effective than nicotine patches for people who cannot be helped medically, this has only been confirmed by a non-randomized study according to the fact sheet.

The fact sheet also examines whether there really is a link between declining tobacco use and the increasing number of e-cigarette smokers. It is not known whether e-cigarettes contribute to smoking. Some studies come to the conclusion that this is the case, other studies come to the opposite conclusion. A third group of studies sees no connection.

Moreover, it has not yet been sufficiently clarified whether a new generation of nicotine addicts will develop with the increase in the use of electronic cigarettes – the situation of the study is also not clear at this subject. The World Health Organization also highlights the lack of data and calls for long-term studies.

What is in electronic cigarettes?

Vapor contains significantly lower amounts of carcinogenic and generally harmful substances than in cigarettes. But liquids are not soda, nor are nicotine-free liquids. Their composition is often unclear. In the case of liquids containing nicotine, all ingredients must be declared in accordance with the Tobacco Products Ordinance. This does not apply to liquids that do not contain nicotine.

All sorts of things can be mixed in there. In the worst case, even potentially lethal substances. In the United States, at least 68 people had died as of March 2020 from “e-cigarette or vaping-associated lung injury” (EVALI), which is primarily attributed to adulterated liquids.

In France, the addition of caffeine and vitamins is prohibited. Stores do not have to list aromas and flavors in nicotine-free liquids.

Compared to traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes are very likely to be significantly less harmful to health, according to the German Center for Cancer Research. Studies have shown that respiratory diseases such as COPD, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma are less common in vapers than in smokers.

Long-term studies on the consequences of consumption are still ongoing. Due to unknown long-term health effects, non-smokers should not use electronic cigarettes, also because there is a risk of addiction. For long-time smokers, e-cigarettes can be a step towards abstinence from smoking. Of course, it is better for your health to live without smoking or vaping nicotine.