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Understanding the shared medical record or DMP, what are the advantages?

Understanding the shared medical record or DMP, what are the advantages?

After being tested for a year in several departments, the shared medical record has now been extended to the whole of France. Each insured person can create their own medical file online. It contains all the information concerning his health and is accessible to health professionals designated by the insured. The shared medical file aims in particular to improve and optimize patient care.

Role and operation of the shared medical record

We call shared medical record (DMP), the health record, which everyone has had since childhood, but which today takes the form of a digital document accessible via a dedicated website or the "DMP" application for telephone mobile. Each person benefiting from a social security scheme can create their DMP, as well as freely decide on its closure. In the latter case, the data contained in the shared medical file is kept for 10 years before being definitively deleted. The death of the holder of a DMP automatically results in its closure.

The DMP is free and covered by medical secrecy, i.e. the information contained in your DMP cannot be disclosed by healthcare professionals who have knowledge of it. The DMP is a confidential service to which access is controlled by its holder.

What's in your DMP?

Just like a classic health book, the shared medical file brings together in one place all the information concerning your health such as your medical treatments, your test results, your hospitalization, consultation or radiological reports, your allergies , your pathologies, etc. Very soon, you will also be able to include your advance directives for the end of life in your DPAM.

Your DMP also contains the contact details of the people you want to notify in the event of an emergency.

Health insurance also automatically funds your DMP. You can thus find the history of your treatments for the last 24 months.

Who has access to your DMP?

Your shared medical file is accessible only to healthcare professionals to whom you have authorized access and to yourself. But, in the event of an emergency, a Samu regulatory doctor, or any other health professional, can also access it.

Occupational medicine, your mutual and insurance companies, your bank and your employer are not authorized to consult your DMP.

How to create your DMP?

According to the law of January 26, 2016 relating to the modernization of the health system which created the shared medical file, its creation is subject to the express consent of the person or his legal representative. In other words, its creation is not mandatory. Everyone is free to create their DMP or not and this digital document has no impact on healthcare reimbursements.

To create your shared medical file, you must go to the website and register using a specific code that you will have obtained by providing your social security number appearing on your vital card. An email address or mobile phone number must also be entered in order to be notified when a new document is added to your shared medical file.

You also have the possibility of requesting the creation of a DMP by going to the reception of a health establishment, in a pharmacy, from your doctor if he has computer equipment, or even at your cash register. health insurance.

Once created, you can consult your shared medical file at any time on the dedicated site or via its mobile phone application with your confidential codes.

The benefits of the shared medical record

The DMP is particularly useful for people who often seek care, such as the elderly or people with chronic illnesses. The shared medical file was created mainly to better coordinate the medical care of patients.

Improve the management of health problems

The shared medical file was created for the main purpose of storing all of a person's health data and above all of being able to share it easily with the health professionals chosen by each holder of a DMP. This centralization of health information and its sharing contribute to improving patient care, particularly in emergency cases. The DMP also promotes better coordination of the patient journey by health actors and thus avoids prescribing unnecessary examinations or examinations that have already been carried out.

A secure and customizable medical file

Not everyone can access your health data available in your DMP. Apart from you, only healthcare professionals who have been authorized to do so can consult your DMP. This can be your doctor, a nurse, your pharmacist, etc.

Each connection to the DMP is subject to a unique access code that you receive on your email address or by SMS. Your health data is stored on a highly secure server, approved by the Ministry of Health.

You yourself have the option of adding, hiding or deleting information about yourself, as well as managing access to your shared medical file by blocking and deleting the authorization of a health professional, for example. Only your attending physician has access to all the documents contained in your DMP.

On the DMP website, you can also find out about all the actions that have been carried out on your medical file by health professionals authorized to access it.

You can also request a complete copy of your DMP in paper format or on a CD-ROM at any time using a form available on the shared medical record website.