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What are the benefits of cannabis seeds?

Your chances of living 100 years, healthy and happy, obviously increase enormously if you eat healthy and take care of yourself, both physically (exercise) and mentally (limiting stress). Thus, regularly consuming cannabis seeds or CBD can be an additional benefit for your health and your body in general. In fact, cannabis seeds are considered a superfood. With hemp seeds you increase your chances of staying fit and healthy.

Regular consumption of hemp seeds is part of the healthy diet that has caused many residents of the Chinese village of Bama Yao, China, to be approaching one hundred years old and healthy. The seeds of the plant from hemp are a cornucopia of nutrients and vital substances that slow down the development of diseases and the natural aging processes in the body.

All over the world, you can find regions where the residents are particularly old. These areas generally have two things in common:on the one hand, the air is still largely free of pollutants and, on the other hand, the populations feed on natural foods that are particularly rich in vital substances. Without forgetting, of course, significant genetic factors.

But there is another factor in Bama Yao. The locals are used to consuming cannabis seeds. The small seeds of the famous plant are eaten there regularly and in larger quantities than elsewhere.

Cannabis Seeds:The Superfood

If you were to list the nutrients and substances that you consider vital, you might name the following:calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur and iron as well as vitamins A, B, C, D and E.

Not to mention a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids, combined with gamma linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid), as well as an adequate amount of antioxidants.

Many of these nutrients and vital substances, especially zinc, magnesium and iron, are contained in relevant amounts in hemp seed. So not only cannabis oil obtained from hemp seeds is a real "superfood", but so are the seeds themselves, and are therefore among the foods with extremely beneficial properties for health.

Cannabis seeds prevent diseases

Highly effective antioxidants in hemp seeds, such as phytol, fight free radicals.

Free radicals are aggressive molecules that attack cells and tissues in the body and thus cause cell damage. On the one hand, it accelerates the aging process and, on the other hand, leads to a wide variety of diseases. Therefore, hemp seeds (like any food containing antioxidants) have a comprehensive preventive effect on the body, as they strengthen the immune system and protect our cells from degeneration.

Related topic:What are the differences between the various types of cannabis seeds?

An effect against inflammation

Another important property of antioxidants is that they neutralize inflammation and thus prevent, for example, arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc., diseases that are all associated with chronic inflammatory processes. .

The gamma linoleic acid in hemp seeds also inhibits the release of inflammation-promoting substances in the body.

In addition, this fatty acid is the starting substance for the production of prostaglandin, a tissue hormone that is found throughout the body and regulates various processes there, including inflammatory reactions.

Enjoying cannabis seeds:nothing could be simpler

If you too want to take advantage of the health benefits of hemp seeds, here are some tips on how you can easily incorporate them into your diet:

  • Sprinkle your muesli or salad with 1-2 tablespoons of peeled hemp seeds.
  • Simply snack on peeled hemp seeds.
  • Put a teaspoon of hemp oil in your smoothie or protein shake.
  • Also use peeled hemp seeds when making spreads or pestos.
  • Make plant milk from peeled hemp seeds.
  • Refine your pasta, cereal dishes, soups or salad dressings with a teaspoon of hemp oil.
  • Mix hemp seeds into baked goods like bread or cakes.