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What are the proven health benefits of mate?

Yerba mate originates from the indigenous peoples of Brazil. This plant was imported to Europe in the 16th century and quickly became popular. Mate comes from a tree whose leaves are collected to prepare decoctions. Historically, they had the effect of chasing away fatigue and promoting good humor. Today, it is attributed with amazing virtues that are corroborated by science, such as the prevention of Parkinson's disease. Here is a list of the health benefits of mate.

Yerba mate is very energizing

Mate contains relatively as much caffeine as coffee. This will stimulate concentration . But unlike caffeine, the stimulating effects of mate are less strong, more measured. Indeed, it is necessary to dilute it in a fairly large amount of water, so the caffeine is less concentrated in it.

In addition, and this may seem paradoxical, mate has relaxing properties . The theobromine and theophylline in mate help regulate all body systems. The health properties of mate are numerous. At the nutritional level, for example, the consumption of mate helps maintain the body in a state of general well-being.

Thus, a study by the University of the Republic of Montevideo in Uruguay showed that Yerba mate reduced drowsiness, without having a negative impact on the quality of sleep, quite the contrary.

What are the proven health benefits of mate?

Mate reduces the risk of certain diseases

As ​​a first example, yerba mate prevents type 2 diabetes , the most common type of diabetes in the world. An infusion of mate allows a reduction in the level of lipids in the blood, as well as better control of sugar. In a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition , individuals were observed over 60 days during which they consumed 33 cl of mate tea three times a day.

At the end of the experiment, subjects with type 2 diabetes had seen their glucose levels decrease. For pre-diabetics, herbal teas coupled with healthy nutrition reduced the risk of developing coronary heart disease (affecting the arteries).

Even more surprisingly, another study would show that the risk of developing Parkinson's disease would also be reduced. Featured in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences , the study in question establishes a correlation between the consumption of yerba mate and the absence of development of Parkinson's disease . Some compounds in mate, such as theobromine and chlorogenic acid, have neuroprotective properties.

Finally, mate could also prevent colon cancer.

A strong antioxidant

In terms of antioxidant drinks, we can cite, for example, red wine, green tea or even orange juice. Yerba mate also has these antioxidant properties thanks to its high level of polyphenols that can neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. These are responsible for accelerating the aging process and increasing the risk of chronic diseases.

The role of antioxidants is therefore to prevent cell deterioration, while strengthening the body's natural defenses.

The mate to keep the line

No fat makes up mate, and it contains only a very low amount of sodium and calories. It is therefore easily incorporated into any diet, whether for the purpose of losing weight or simply controlling it.

The diuretic and purifying properties of mate are also a good way to eliminate toxins from the body. By accelerating the metabolism, mate also goes well with the practice of sports activities.

In conclusion we will mention one last point. Thanks to its relaxing and stimulating properties, both for the body and for the mind, yerba mate is considered a natural antidepressant.