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Overview of the health press

Overview of the health press

The health magazine press offers two kinds of titles:very feminine consumer magazines on the theme of health and well-being, on the one hand, and more committed independent magazines on alternatives to traditional ways of treating oneself, another side. The kiosks offer something for everyone.

The health magazines of major press groups

Top Health , monthly, is the undisputed leader in the sector with a circulation of more than 530,000 copies. It is published by the Mondadori group, which also offers Closer, Grazia, Télé Star, etc. Its target audience is resolutely feminine with subjects treated solely from a health perspective. (€2.90)

Health Magazine hot on its heels with a monthly circulation of more than 480,000 copies:born in 1976, it is published by Uni-Editions which also offers Dossier Familial, Régal, Détente Jardin or Maison Créative, to name but a few.

Behind these two heavyweights come two bimonthly publications:Vital and Practical Life Health (Doctissimo), published respectively in 120,000 and 110,000 copies. Vital, is also published by the Mondadori group, it is more focused on fitness, well-being, nutrition and beauty advice. (€3.50).

Vie Pratique Santé was the paper extension of the well-known site (Lagardère Active), but the magazine has ceased to appear. His favorite subjects were health, prevention and nutrition.

Other Health magazine press titles have turned to digital versions, via less expensive websites. We come back to the eternal subject and the dilemma print versus digital press.

The independent health press

Overview of the health press

In 1977, the monthly L'Impatient was born. 20 years later became Alternative Santé-L'Impatient . Title independent of the public authorities and pharmaceutical laboratories, it is published by the cooperative society Santé Port Royal, it only exists today in digital form with one issue per month (24 € / year). Alternative Santé offers natural alternatives to the usual solutions of conventional medicine.

This same company also publishes Plants &Health , monthly paper which also focuses on natural and alternative methods for maintaining good health, thanks in particular to phytotherapy, aromatherapy, ecological tips for relieving pain… (€4.20)

The leader in independent health information is unquestionably Que Choisir Santé . The formula has sufficiently proven itself with its consumer advocacy magazine Que Choisir . The financial stakes of the lobbies often skew the debate, which is why this monthly can rightly boast of dealing with information relating to drugs, medical practices and prevention, with background files, practical sheets and experiences to follow. Attention, it is only sold by subscription (29 € / year)

(Source of prints:OJD 2014)