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My 100% natural holiday first aid kit

My 100% natural holiday first aid kit

All organized parents do this:as the holidays approach, they prepare a first aid kit with remedies for everyday minor injuries, so as not to find themselves distraught at the first scratch. Well wedged in the suitcases, while remaining accessible, including during the journey, this kit can also contain organic and natural products in addition to conventional drugs.

What products should you put in your first aid kit?

First of all, remember to take the children's health books with you. If you are divorced or separated and it is in the hands of your ex-spouse, anticipate to ask him or her so that you can get it back in time:he or she should not refuse it to you since it belongs to the child and must follow him, in his interest.

Still on the "administrative" level, if you are going to one of the 27 countries of the European Union or to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, remember to ask your Health Insurance Fund for your European card social security in order to be able to obtain coverage for your care on the spot, if necessary. It is valid for 1 year and is issued to each member of the family.

Let's come to the first aid kit, in itself, which can be done in an old toilet bag for example. You will put a thermometer, a small pair of scissors, bandages of various sizes, enough to make a small bandage (sterile compresses, plaster) and a disinfectant.

As far as medication is concerned, apart from aspirin and paracetamol, you will take prescriptions for any treatment that you must follow. For the rest, whether it is to fight against insect bites, sunburn or motion sickness, turn to natural and organic remedies .

Natural and organic remedies for minor ailments

First, against mosquitoes, of course you all know lemongrass:you can take it in the form of essential oil but I recommend that you buy essential oil of lemon eucalyptus (eucalyptus citriodora) which is much more effective. against mosquitoes, both repellent and soothing.

My 100% natural holiday first aid kit

It repels mosquitoes in a diffuser or on a handkerchief, and it calms your bite if the mosquito has already bitten you. In addition, mixed with sweet almond oil or other, it will make a very good anti-inflammatory massage if your holiday jogging has left you sore!

You can also bring a "homemade" calendula cream that will cure a lot of minor ailments ranging from sunburn to scratches.

Against all contusions and various bruises, you will have a tube of Arnica 7 CH and a mother tincture of Arnica that you will have prepared in advance.

To find out the precise recipes for making these 100% natural daily remedies, you can turn to "The natural pharmacopoeia" by Simone Bourgarel (Gallimard editions - Tout Beau Tout Bio collection - €13.50).

Nature is full of resources with its medicinal plants and essential oils:at a time when environmental concerns and natural well-being are becoming important objectives for each of us, you can start by experimenting to your next vacation!