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With age, how to lose belly, whether you are a man or a woman?

With age, how to lose belly, whether you are a man or a woman?

Aging is not inevitable. However, both men and women cannot deny that it often results in weight gain. It is not uncommon with the years to gain belly and this one is much more difficult to lose than 2 years ago. How to explain this targeted weight gain? how to lose belly when you are a man or a woman? Here are some solutions.

Weight gain explained

Between the ages of 20 and 50, the French take on average 6 to 10 kg. This weight gain is relatively gradual in men, while in women it is temporary and occurs at the rate of pregnancy. Also in women, menopause causes significant weight gain. Weight gain is therefore very different in men and women. This is made up of 18 to 25% adipose tissue, compared to 10 to 15% in humans.

Age-related weight gain can be explained in different ways.

  • The basic metabolism, which corresponds to the calories that the body expends to function, decreases with age. Why ? Quite simply because it is proportional to muscle mass, which also decreases with age. It is necessary to reduce caloric intake in order not to gain weight.
  • Sedentariness increases with age. This phenomenon can be explained by the decline in physical activity and retirement.
  • Hypothyroidism is a very common dysfunction that leads to weight gain. It affects more women than men and can be controlled by taking medication.
  • Bone loss is on top of muscle loss. It also decreases basal metabolic rate. To reduce the loss of bone density, you must consume enough calcium and vitamin D.

There is no denying it, with age you also take more freedom and a form of letting go sets in on a daily basis. We enjoy meals with family and friends, we have more time to cook and therefore to eat well, because we don't have to go to work, we allow ourselves to drink an extra glass of wine...

Good management of calorie intake

Throughout his life, it is necessary to adapt the caloric intake. These are constantly evolving. Very high in adolescence, they stabilize in adulthood.

  • An active woman who does at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day should consume between 2000 and 2300 calories per day.
  • An active man who does at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day should consume between 2500 and 2800 calories per day.

As you age, calorie intake should be reduced. These must be:

  • 1800 calories for women,
  • 2200 calories for men.

Be careful, it is not recommended to have too low caloric intake. This accelerates the loss of muscle mass.

When are you overweight?

The body mass index, or BMI, is a valuable indicator of whether you are overweight or not. Here are the benchmarks to know.

  • A BMI of less than 18.5 indicates underweight.
  • A BMI between 18.5 and 25 indicates normal build.
  • A BMI between 25 and 30 indicates overweight.
  • A BMI between 30 and 35 indicates moderate obesity.
  • A BMI between 35 and 40 indicates severe obesity.
  • A BMI over 40 indicates morbid or massive obesity.

There is another form of obesity that needs to be monitored. This is abdominal obesity. Very dangerous, it is characterized by excess fat in the vital organs. Abdominal obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disorders, type 2 diabetes and even cancer. Abdominal obesity is confirmed when:

  • The waist circumference is greater than 80 cm in women,
  • Waist circumference is greater than 94 cm in men.

How to lose belly fat when you're a woman?

To lose belly when you are a woman, you must first review your diet. It is important to reduce your consumption of starchy foods, especially at the end of the day. Industrial products, too rich in refined sugars, salt and saturated fats, are of course to be avoided. On the other hand, it is wise to favor citrus fruits, apples, white meats, lean fish, black radish or leeks. The composition of the menus must be modified. Breakfast should be low in sugar and high in protein. It's time to bet on the eggs! It is best to eat whole foods and limit dairy products in the evening. We must give pride of place to vegetables because they are rich in fiber.

As for physical activity, it is possible to do simple exercises. Here are some examples:

  • Lie down on your back and take a deep breath, expanding your stomach, then exhale, releasing all the air. Do 3 sets of 10 each night.
  • Exhale all the air you have in your lungs and contract your abdominal muscles. Then take a deep breath and start again. Do a set of 10.
  • Sit down, keep your back straight and bring your knees up to your chest. Do a set of 10.
  • Standing, place both hands on your right hip then above your head, do the same on the left. Do these movements about twenty times.

In addition to these exercises, consider cycling, walking, gardening… Get active every day to maintain a high metabolism.

How to lose belly fat when you're a man?

Like women, men need to review their diet. The instructions are the same:eat more vegetables, favor white meat and fish, and limit processed foods. Alcohol consumption should be reduced as well as the quantities of evening meals.

Men also have to move to lose belly. Walking, running, cycling, team sports and even DIY can help. It is also possible to do targeted exercises. Here are some ideas.

  • Lie on your back and grab a dumbbell with both hands. It could be a water bottle! Then bring your arms and legs above the navel. Do 3 sets of 10.
  • Still with the water bottle, stretch your arms out in front of you then pivot right and left for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Men can do traditional sit-up sets. 2 sets of 10 a day is enough to improve physical condition and melt fat.

A healthy lifestyle

Having a healthy lifestyle is essential to being healthy and having a healthy weight. You have to eat a balanced diet every day and reduce the quantities after a gap. Alcohol consumption should be limited and if possible, smoking should be stopped. In addition, it is essential to reduce physical inactivity as much as possible. You have to move every day and even have a physical activity in a club. Petanque, swimming, Pilates, gentle gymnastics or even Nordic walking allow you to build muscle and maintain social ties. At the same time, you need to have good sleep. Getting enough sleep helps keep the line and considerably reduces cravings.

At your next appointment with your doctor, do not hesitate to ask him for advice. Health professionals can help you better manage your weight loss and even advise you on what diet to adopt.