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Senior:how to protect yourself from winter viruses?

Senior:how to protect yourself from winter viruses?

Winter is an underappreciated season. The days are very short and our morale is struggling to stay high. At a time when the cold season is in full swing, we can only see that it has never been so rich in viruses. Flu, cold, covid, gastro, all are rampant and seem to spare no one. Is it possible to act and protect oneself against these viruses? The answer and yes! Here are all our tips.

A healthy lifestyle

It's a fact, and you know it! To be strong against winter viruses, you have to be in good shape. This requires a healthy lifestyle. Throughout the year and particularly when the first frosts arrive, you must pay particular attention to your diet. You have to eat a balanced diet and avoid excesses. Of course, you are entitled to drink a glass of wine and eat a rich dish once in a while, but not twice a day! On a daily basis, you must ensure that you consume:

  • 5 servings of fruits and vegetables to fill up on vitamins and minerals,
  • 3 servings of dairy products to strengthen your bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis,
  • lean meats, fish and eggs to maximize protein intake,
  • starchy foods, ideally complete, to take advantage of their minerals and fibers,
  • 1.5 liters of water every day to stay well hydrated.

When winter approaches, it is strongly recommended to consume more vitamin C. Bet on citrus fruits such as oranges, apples and kiwis. Consumed every day, they will help you to be more resistant.

In addition to a good diet, you must make sure you move every day. Physical activity is great for physical and mental health. In addition, when you exert yourself, you boost your immune system. You are therefore more resistant to winter viruses. Last but not least, get enough sleep. Good sleep allows the body to regenerate and strengthen. This includes metabolism such as immune defences.

A healthy interior

With winter, we tend to be less active and spend more time at home. Rest assured, there is no risk. However, you need to be more attentive to the maintenance of your interior. To reduce the risk of contamination, every day you should:

  • Air all rooms in your home for at least 10 minutes
  • Vacuum and dust,
  • Disinfect the kitchen and bathroom,
  • Wash your laundry at more than 60°C when possible,
  • Change your sheets every week.

Having a clean and healthy interior is necessary to stay healthy, especially in winter. When the temperatures drop, you still have to open the windows!

Good habits

With the coronavirus epidemic, we have acquired very good habits. We wear a mask, we wash our hands very regularly and we isolate ourselves when we know we are sick. These habits can be kept. If you are sick, wear a mask and avoid contact with fragile people. You can ask those around you to do the same.

We know that children transmit many viruses. Even if you love your grandchildren more than anything, you have to postpone your visits when they are sick. These winter diseases, which they tolerate very well, can be dangerous for you. Covid is the perfect example! Finally, if you are less fit than usual, rest. You have to listen to your body.

When you go out and the weather is not good, make sure you are well protected. Warm and/or waterproof clothing must be provided. Don't neglect the shoes! Having wet feet is not a good idea. Don't forget the hat and the scarf, without forgetting Grandma's stuff against the cold!

Get your flu shot

Every winter, seniors and vulnerable people are invited to get vaccinated against the flu. If you are concerned, you must do so. This preventive measure protects you. In fact, the flu is a potentially serious pathology. It is an acute respiratory viral infection that alters the body. Complications are unfortunately not uncommon in vulnerable subjects and therefore seniors. Flu symptoms appear very suddenly.

Among them are:

  • A high fever, usually above 39°C,
  • Aches,
  • Joint pain,
  • Intense fatigue,
  • Headaches,
  • Dry cough.

Because the flu virus mutates each year, it is essential to get vaccinated during each campaign. You will receive a document from the Health Insurance. Then, you can get vaccinated at a pharmacy, at your doctor's office or at a nurse's office.

Get vaccinated against the coronavirus

The coronavirus is a disease that has been raging for more than 2 years now. After extreme health measures, we can now count on the vaccine to protect against serious forms. Make sure you are up to date with vaccine doses. When contaminations multiply, that is to say when the incidence rate is high, protect yourself! How ? Here are the instructions issued by the health authorities.

  • Wear a mask.
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Respect a physical distance of one meter,
  • Aerate for 10 minutes every hour.

If you have been in contact with someone positive for coronavirus, you should get tested and self-isolate.

Get a health check

At the end of the summer, it is a good idea to have a health check. Just ask your doctor. He will carry out a complete clinical examination including a blood pressure measurement. He will prescribe a blood and urine test. If he offers you other preventive examinations, accept! This is the best way to know if you are in good health.

Betting on food supplements

A balanced diet is essential to resist winter viruses. Know that you can boost your immune defenses with food supplements. Here are the vitamins and minerals to focus on:

  • Vitamin C which is a bulwark against viruses,
  • Vitamin D, which metabolizes calcium,
  • Vitamin E which promotes cell renewal,
  • Magnesium which protects against cold and depression,
  • Zinc which improves the immune response.

At the same time, it is important to take a course of probiotics. These are living micro-organisms, naturally present in the body. If you have an insufficient quantity, you risk suffering from digestive disorders and you will be more vulnerable to winter viruses.

Food supplements are sold in supermarkets, pharmacies and specialist shops. Before buying food supplements, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. Sometimes they can be contraindicated because they are incompatible with your treatment.

What to do if you get sick?

If despite all your precautions you fall ill, do not panic. Monitor your temperature and rest. If necessary, you can take paracetamol by respecting the dosages. If your condition does not improve, make an appointment with your doctor. Sometimes it is necessary to have an adapted treatment.

Whenever you are sick, stay home! Blow your nose into disposable tissues and cough into your elbow. Keep your loved ones informed about your condition so that they can intervene if necessary.