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Gluten:should we be wary of it?

Gluten:should we be wary of it?

Gluten is a protein that is naturally present in several cereals. For some people, gluten is toxic. This is the case when the body has a particular sensitivity to one of its components. Because gluten is present in many products consumed daily, it is sometimes the cause of health problems. Gluten intolerance, hypersensitivity or allergy:how to navigate? What are the signs to watch out for? Is it beneficial to exclude gluten from your diet? Here's everything you need to know about gluten.

What is gluten?

As we have just seen, gluten is a protein compound, in other words a protein. It is present in a majority of cereals, namely:

  • wheat,
  • oats,
  • spelt,
  • barley,
  • rye.

Since gluten is therefore present in flour, it is omnipresent in our diet. Gluten, very present in wheat, allows bread dough to rise, crumbs to be airy, pasta to be sufficiently elastic and cakes to be soft. This is why wheat is one of the most widely used grains in the diet today. But since flours are also used as a thickener, a substantial range of unsuspected industrial products contain gluten. This is the case for sauces, soups and other preparations.

Should we be afraid of gluten?

Gluten is the cause of allergy, intolerance and hypersensitivity. It is increasingly eliminated from the diet by people who do not support the protein but also by people who have no sensitivity to this component. Removing gluten is not always justified. It is sometimes chosen out of fear or to test a new fad diet.

In France, as in the world, between 1% and 6% of the population suffers from gluten intolerance. The pathology mainly affects women. Some regions of the world are more affected than others. Thus in Europe, America and the Maghreb, the cuisine is rich in wheat and there are many intolerances. In Asia, rice and rice flour are used more. Gluten intolerances are therefore rarer.

All you need to know about gluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance is caused by one of the components of gluten, namely gliadin. This intolerance affects all generations. This progressive intoxication results in an immune reaction in people with predispositions. Indeed, the body produces antibodies that fight against gliadin. The presence of gluten in the intestine then causes a strong reaction of the organism against the intestinal cells.

A gluten intolerant person therefore presents a disturbance of the intestinal mucosa which leads to poor absorption of certain nutrients such as:

  • calcium,
  • folic acid,
  • Iron.

Gluten intolerance:an unknown pathology

Gluten intolerance has not yet revealed all its secrets. However, while the causes remain unknown, the signs are. Symptoms can appear at any age. They should be reported to the attending physician for prompt diagnosis and management.

Here are the symptoms that can occur:

  • Slowed growth in children (weight and height)
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Vomiting
  • Deficiencies
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Bone pain
  • Early osteoporosis
  • Lymphoma

How to diagnose gluten intolerance?

The diagnosis of gluten intolerance takes the form of an intestinal biopsy. This identifies the presence of antibodies. The patient is also asked to remove gluten from their diet. In case of intolerance, an improvement in the general condition of the patient occurs quickly. Know that in case of intolerance only, after two years of a strict diet, the intestinal mucosa regenerates. All symptoms disappear!

Focus on celiac disease or gluten hypersensitivity

Gluten hypersensitivity or celiac disease should not be confused with gluten intolerance. Even if the symptoms are very similar, the people concerned do not develop antibodies or intestinal lesions. Gluten hypersensitivity generates diffuse and persistent pain. It is not uncommon for it to be confused with fibromyalgia. As a reminder, fibromyalgia is a pathology that is characterized by diffuse and chronic pain, but also by sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, attention and memory disorders.

Gluten hypersensitivity can take the form of an allergic reaction. The signs observed are as follows:

  • Redness
  • Hives
  • Eczema
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rhinitis

Gluten hypersensitivity develops after 40 years. Seniors are particularly affected by this sensitivity which considerably affects well-being.

Partially or totally eliminating gluten from the diet allows the associated symptoms to disappear. In any case, it is highly recommended to carry out an antibody test in order to make the correct diagnosis.

Gluten:what health risks?

If you are neither intolerant nor allergic, gluten does not pose any particular health problem. On the other hand, if certain symptoms are observed, then it is necessary to consult a professional so that biological analyzes are prescribed. It is not recommended to play doctors, nutritionists, allergists, gastroenterologists... If you do not suffer from any sensitivity, there is no point in removing gluten from your diet.

The fear of gluten is often unjustified and has become a real fashion phenomenon. To stay young or to lose weight, many people choose to eliminate gluten. This trend has adverse effects on health. Take the example of dairy products. Lactose intolerant people must find substitutes to fill the calcium intake because the risk of weakening their bones is proven. It's the same for gluten! Cereals are important for a balanced diet. If you choose to cut out gluten-containing products, you increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. People who follow this diet also have too much mercury in their blood. Because it is present in large quantities in rice, a privileged food because it is gluten-free.

Care for gluten intolerance

Both intolerance and hypersensitivity to gluten are pathologies that negatively impact quality of life. All examinations carried out to identify one of these pathologies are of course reimbursed by Health Insurance and possibly by mutual or health insurance. But that's not all ! Gluten-free products being expensive, health insurance reimburses up to 60% of these so-called dietary foods. A request for reimbursement must be made to the health organisations.

Celiac disease is considered a long-lasting condition (ALD). It therefore requires continuous care. To obtain reimbursement for gluten-free products, all you have to do is send the barcodes and receipts.

How to reduce your gluten consumption on a daily basis?

Even without being intolerant, hypersensitive or allergic, you want to reduce your gluten consumption without eliminating it. To do this, several solutions are available to you.

  • Favoring the purchase of raw products can significantly reduce gluten intake. Industrial products contain too high quantities! The ideal is to opt almost exclusively for natural products and transform them yourself by cooking!
  • Favoring organic whole foods is also a solution, especially for starchy foods. Opt for wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta and organic brown rice. In addition, there are more vitamins and nutrients.
  • Variing the flours makes it possible to not limit yourself to wheat flour and therefore to a food particularly rich in gluten. It is possible to bet on rice flour, chestnut or buckwheat. Their taste is different and allows you to vary the pleasures.

Gluten-free products:pay attention to the composition!

Whether you are gluten intolerant or not, it is a good idea not to consume too many gluten-free products. Of course, for bread and pasta they represent a practical alternative. When it is possible to turn to a healthier product, it should be done. For example, instead of buying gluten-free cakes, try making them. Why ? Because to remain tasty, have the right texture and be produced in industrial quantities, gluten-free foods are enriched with additives. They are more caloric and their composition is rarely the healthiest. Learn to read labels and make the right choice!

Get help from a food professional

Do you suffer from intolerance, hypersensitivity or allergy to gluten? Know that before embarking on a restrictive and unbalanced diet, you can make an appointment with a health professional. Nutritionists and dieticians can help you put together a diet that will meet your needs. The vast majority of consultations are covered by health insurance, mutual insurance companies and other health insurance companies. They are automatically offered to patients and especially to children, who are growing, and to seniors, who must protect their bodies from premature ageing. The food professional will be able to advise you, suggest menus for the week and even give you recipe ideas!