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5 tips from Janine Smit to feel good about yourself

5 tips from Janine Smit to feel good about yourself

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Every day a skater from the team shares a healthy tip.

Janine Smit:

1. 'I feel fit when I am calm and take the time to relax. For example, start the day by having a quiet breakfast at the table with a cup of tea.

2. I create peace of mind by making a schedule for myself. When I write things down I can let them go.

3. Consciously enjoy the things you do. Every now and then, consider a 'win moment' for yourself. For me that is, for example, a good 100 meters during the training.

4. When the weather is nice, get outside for some fresh air. Take the bike more often for short distances.

5. Set aside time to do fun things with friends and family.'

Read all the tips from Team Continu.