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How to protect yourself from mosquitoes?

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes? In addition to the dangerous viruses they peddle (zika, dengue, chikungunya), these bloodsuckers cause itching and inflammations as unsightly as they are unpleasant. Four specialists come to our rescue.

Mosquitoes have this ability to quickly turn the summer season into a nightmare. We take stock of the saving methods to protect us from these "little winged vampires". To great ills, great remedies.

We spray ourselves with R35/35

Valérie Roucoules, pharmacist, recommends as far as possible to "sleep under a mosquito net and to apply a repellent during the day on the uncovered areas of skin. Sprays based on R35/35 being the most effective. They modify the sensory perception insects and confuse them. In summer, reapply during the day or use a waterproof gel that resists perspiration.

For optimal action, it is not mixed with sunscreen. In heavily infested areas, clothes are sprayed with a specific mosquito repellent, permethrin, because 40% of bites are through textiles. We also treat mosquito nets and curtains.

A homemade repellent based on vegetable oils

Julien Kaibeck, aromatherapist and author of My bible of slow cosmetics (Éd. Leduc Pratique), gives us his recipe for an effective homemade repellent.

"Neem oil, extracted from neem seeds, has amazing repellent properties. It can be used to prepare an effective homemade mosquito repellent lotion:mix a large teaspoon of neem oil in a bottle with nine teaspoons of jojoba, hazelnut or macadamia oil.

This slightly fragrant preparation can be applied all over the body after cleansing up to three times a day. It protects not only against mosquitoes but also against other biting insects and mites. To reinforce its action, you can add 25 drops of rose geranium essential oil".

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Plants at the service of stings

Thierry Folliard, naturopath and author of The Larousse bible of essential oils (ed. Larousse), explains how to relieve a mosquito bite and keep them away with plants.

"Essential oils of Ceylon citronella and lemon eucalyptus, whose fragrance is similar, are good insect repellents:they repel unwanted insects. Better not to use them pure on a large surface of skin.

They will therefore be diluted beforehand in sweet almond oil (1 drop of each per teaspoon). And since they also have anti-inflammatory properties, they can be used topically to soothe itching. Plantain leaves also work wonders. If we find any along the paths, we crush them between our fingers and then spread the juice on the painful bites".

Help, I'm inflating!

Albert-Claude Quemoun, homeopath and co-author of My 1000 homeopathy prescriptions (ed. Leduc), gives us the prescription to calm an inflamed bite.

"When mosquitoes have attacked, their inconvenience can be alleviated by locally applying compresses soaked in calendula several times a day.

But if the bite causes swelling which is relieved by the application of ice, we also swallow two granules of Apis mellifica 5 CH and Ledum palustre 5 CH three times a day. If it causes a very strong inflammatory reaction, we will take two granules of Vespa grabo 5 CH (3x/d).

And if the bitten area is red, hot and painful, then we opt for two granules of Belladonna 5 CH also three times a day ".

Last advice for the road:to escape mosquitoes, avoid perfumes and styling sprays because the insects are attracted by their sweet smells.

Important Information

Conventional medicine is based on the prescription of drugs whose effectiveness has been scientifically demonstrated and validated by clinical trials in the indications considered. Homeopathic medicines are not based on evidence-based medicine, but on the notion of traditional use. In order to be marketed, homeopathic medicines must have been registered or have a marketing authorization (find out more at

For serious pathologies (cancer) or in people at risk (infants, children, the elderly or people with chronic illnesses), homeopathy can be used in addition to but never as a replacement for non-homeopathic medicines prescribed by a doctor. Stopping the latter in favor of homeopathic medicines could interfere in a detrimental way with the evolution of these pathologies.

At the slightest symptom and before taking any treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor registered on the board of the Council of the Order of Physicians.

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