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How do you pick up an elderly person who has fallen to the ground?

How do you pick up an elderly person who has fallen to the ground?

When a person falls, we make sure they are okay and then we help them up. Because all falls are not without gravity, vigilance is required! Sometimes a person is hurt and when we help them, we make them worse. This is often the case with older people. It is estimated that 30% of falls in seniors have complications. To reduce the risk, you have to learn how to get up properly, but also how to pick up an elderly person who has fallen to the ground. Here's how.

Taking stock after the fall

Before lifting a person or trying to lift them, it is highly recommended to check in with them. Even if you are not a medical professional, you must make a diagnosis. The latter is purely visual. Indeed, it is preferable not to touch the victim of a fall before carrying out some checks.

  • Is the person conscious?
  • Is the person in pain?
  • Can the person move?
  • Has the person lost blood?

If the situation is serious or if complications are found, you must immediately contact the emergency services. To do this, call either the SAMU by dialing 15 or the fire department by dialing 18.

Attention ! It may happen that an elderly person has fallen and their medical equipment is not nearby. If you don't know the person, ask if they have a wheelchair, walker or cane. Even if this is not the case, provide a chair nearby as a precaution.

Recovering an elderly person:the steps to follow

If you come across an elderly person who has fallen, you must take steps to pick them up. Of course, you have to check that she can get up.

  • Ask him to lie on his stomach. To do this, she must go through the side. To do this, you have to bend your legs, join your knees and tilt your pelvis to one side.
  • Then ask him to join his arms and tilt his chest to the same side as his pelvis.
  • Ask him to lie on his stomach, raise his head and support himself on his forearms.
  • Ask him to get on all fours, leaning on the bent knee and then stand up.

If it is difficult for him to get up, then you can place a chair nearby. Make sure this seat is stable. Do not hesitate to maintain it. Of course, you can also ask the fallen person to lean on you!

What if the elderly person on the ground cannot get up?

A person who has fallen may not be able to get up on their own. In this case, you need to dwell on her condition and once again check with her that she has not injured herself. If she's fine and just needs help, you need to step it up again.

  • Ask her to hold your waist and help her roll onto her stomach.
  • Ask her to get on all fours but help her if necessary to free her arms and possibly her legs.
  • Help the person to their feet and direct them to a chair. She can either lean or sit.

Discuss and try to understand

After a fall, it is essential to discuss with the elderly person. The fall can be accidental but it can also be caused by a physical failure, a loss of balance or the beginning of a loss of autonomy. The decline is most often related to age but the first falls are decisive in the management. After a fall, morale can be low. The elderly person must be reassured.

If this is the first fall, you should encourage the older person to get up on their own. Accompany her by describing the steps and encouraging her. So she will gain self-confidence and not let herself go. In no case should the situation be dramatized! On the other hand, you must make sure that the situation does not worsen.

How to reduce the risk of falling?

Every year, there are 400,000 falls among seniors. These have consequences. They can be the cause of fractures, dislocations or wounds. It is possible to reduce these falls in different ways.

Good health to age well

We must ensure that seniors are in good health. To do this, a healthy lifestyle is essential.

  • Older people need to eat well. They must consume enough protein, dairy products and fruits and vegetables. Hydration is also essential because with age the feeling of thirst decreases.
  • Older people need to stay active while taking into account their ability. Walking, swimming or gentle gym are very beneficial and excellent for mobility.
  • Older people need enough sleep to regenerate and maintain their physical and cognitive abilities.

A furnished interior

To reduce the risk of falling, it is also necessary to arrange the interior of the dwellings. There must be a fitted toilet and bathroom. For this, it is wise to install grab bars and a shower for people with reduced mobility. More accessible, it makes everyday gestures easier. It is also important to place chairs everywhere for support.

In living rooms like any other, it is important that passageways are not obstructed by carpets or electrical wires. These installations are the cause of falls. Elderly people must have slippers and suitable shoes. Sometimes a cane or a walker is needed to facilitate movement.

The elderly can benefit from the help of an occupational therapist to arrange their interior and limit the risk of falls. Do not hesitate to talk to a doctor about it. These professionals also help to better manage the loss of autonomy on a daily basis.