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What dietary supplements for the elderly?

What dietary supplements for the elderly?

As we age, our needs change. This is particularly the case with nutritional needs. Calorie intake must be reduced after 65 years to adapt to the decline in physical activity. We must favor menus that are less fatty, less sweet and less salty, but rich in vitamins and minerals. For the organism of the elderly to function optimally, it is possible to bet on food supplements. Which ones to choose? Answers!

Food for seniors

The diet of seniors is very important. When the body ages, it has less important needs, because the metabolism slows down, but more specific because they allow each organ to function optimally. A good diet also boosts cognitive functions. Seniors also have to deal with various age-related discomforts, including:

  • Dental pathologies,
  • Depression,
  • Side effects caused by current treatments.

A good diet allows you to age well, to remain independent and to be stronger in the face of diseases that originate from aging. But how do you define a balanced diet? Here are some guidelines for eating a balanced diet after 65. Every day, you must:

  • Eat 5 fruits and vegetables to fill up with vitamins, minerals and fiber that ensure good transit;
  • Eat starches with every meal to promote company and have enough energy throughout the day;
  • Eat protein with every meal to slow the loss of muscle mass;
  • Eat oily fish at least 3 times a week to benefit from omega 3s and their positive effect on cognitive functions.
  • Eat at least 3 dairy products to protect your bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

In addition to these daily intakes, it is essential that an elderly person hydrates properly. To do this, she must drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. In addition, seniors must imperatively eat 3 meals a day. These meals must be balanced! Although making a snack is a dying practice, you can make one if you are hungry. You have to balance it well. Opt for dried fruit, yogurt with honey, fruit...

Senior undernutrition

The undernutrition of the elderly worries both the families of the people concerned and the health authorities. Indeed, it concerns between 6% and 10% of seniors. We talk about undernutrition when a person does not have the nutritional intake they need. It causes a weight loss of between 5% and 10% in six months. Malnutrition is more common in people with Alzheimer's disease.

Malnutrition has serious consequences. It involves:

  • A loss of muscle mass,
  • Chronic fatigue sometimes,
  • Higher risk of falling,
  • An increased risk of death in patients already suffering from a serious pathology (cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc.).

In case of malnutrition, it is imperative to contact a doctor. After a blood test, this health professional can prescribe to his patient food supplements adapted to his needs.

What are the recommended food supplements for the elderly?

To be healthy, seniors must consume enough vitamins and minerals. But which ones?


For their body to function at its best, seniors must consume vitamins. Of course, it is possible to benefit from these vitamins by consuming fruits and vegetables. But sometimes that's not enough. So you need to supplement with vitamins. Among them are:

  • vitamin B9 which helps fight fatigue and boost memory,
  • vitamin C which boosts the immune system,
  • vitamin E which helps fight against aging,
  • Vitamin K which regulates blood circulation.

Vitamin A and vitamin D are also essential, but it is best to ensure that the quantity ingested is the right one. An overdose can be very dangerous for health. The vitamins marketed for seniors are perfectly balanced.


If it is essential to consume at least 3 dairy products per week, it is because it provides calcium. The latter reduces the risk of fracture, strengthens the skeleton and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. For calcium to be fully exploited by the body, you must consume vitamin D. In addition to dairy products, you can bet on spinach, broccoli and cabbage. Calcium can be consumed as a dietary supplement. In this case, it is already combined with vitamin D.


Like calcium, magnesium is essential for aging well. It helps maintain nerve function, muscle activity and bone density. Magnesium also regulates blood pressure and prevents cardiovascular disease. Magnesium is naturally present in oilseeds, seeds and some whole grains.

It is also possible to consume magnesium in the form of food supplements. It is often associated with vitamins. These dietary supplements containing magnesium are often prescribed to the elderly. Indeed, some drug treatments reduce the absorption of magnesium by the body.

Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids have many benefits. They ensure the proper functioning of the brain and heart. They also have the particularity of ensuring ocular well-being and reducing the risk of depression. Omega 3s are particularly recommended for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. They also help preserve memory. Omega 3s are present in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and in the form of food supplements.


Zinc is essential for seniors. These should be supplemented if necessary. Zinc boosts immunity, promotes healing and keeps the senses alert. It can even reduce inflammation.

To find out if you should take food supplements, you should consult your doctor. The latter will prescribe a blood test in order to look for a possible deficiency. Taking a course of vitamins and minerals before winter helps protect against viruses. Throughout the year, food supplements ensure the well-being of seniors and help overcome a period of fatigue.