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Which Foods to Protect Yourself Naturally from the Harmful Effects of the Sun?

Which Foods to Protect Yourself Naturally from the Harmful Effects of the Sun?

The sun is necessary in our life, but we have to be careful about its rays.

We must prepare our skin, protect it and know how to soothe it in case of sunburn that we could not avoid.

Certain foods can help us do this.

Prepare and protect

The advice for preparing your skin for the sun is varied:exfoliate, hydrate yourself before exhibitions and take sun capsules in pharmacies.

But we can help this preparation by consuming the right foods. Foods that contain beta-carotenes will help your skin to naturally increase its melanin level. My tips:

- Carrot and orange juice in the morning

- Regular consumption of colorful vegetables (very ripe and colorful fruits and vegetables contain many antioxidants)

- To help with sunscreen, just before exposure, nothing beats eating foods high in vitamins A and E, which also contain natural antioxidants:

* Liver, egg yolk, oily fish and cheese for vitamin A

* Almonds, hazelnuts and fresh vegetables for vitamin E


Despite the precautions taken, the sunburn is there. It is possible not to use after-sun creams and to avoid going to the pharmacy to spend 7 to 10 € on a tube of Biafine.

Some foods naturally soothe sun burns, just by applying them to the skin:

- Greek grandmothers have sworn for centuries only by fresh fromage blanc... Indeed, milk hydrates and soothes naturally (Cleopatra was having a hard time with it). Cottage cheese has the advantage of keeping these benefits, while being more practical to apply. A plain yogurt will also do the trick.

Apply to clean, dry skin at night. Leave on for about 15 minutes . Rinse. Try it, let me know!

Just as surprisingly, you can use a tomato, cut in half, which you pass gently over your sunburn. Its juice and its freshness will act on the burns, in order to relieve them.

Pass the tomato gently over the parts to be treated. Let dry, then rinse.

- Another solution, if you are used to drinking tea, is to apply the sachets to yourself as compresses, when it is cold. At the same time, you will feel a feeling of refreshment not unpleasant.

Tea is naturally healing , in addition to being antioxidant , especially green tea. So, do not hesitate to drink several cups of it in addition to applying it to your skin.