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How not to feel alone this winter?

How not to feel alone this winter?

The cold, the snow, the rain, the ice... It's true that it's not pleasant to go out in winter. A lack of activity that can lead to isolation for seniors. Consequences:a carelessness that can sometimes turn into depression, even depression. Discover our ideas for activities so you don't feel isolated this winter.

Don't underestimate the dangers of isolation!

Thinking of spending this winter in slippers all alone by the fire? So it's time to put the kibosh. According to a study[1], the social isolation of seniors has harmful consequences on their health. Thus, an isolated senior is likely to suffer from:

  • Dementia
  • Hypertension
  • Sleep problems
  • Stress
  • Depressed;
  • Depression
  • Motor skills problems leading to falls.

These pathologies would lead, insidiously and in the medium term, to a 14% increase in the risk of mortality. Not great, is it? To avoid these inconveniences and be a happy senior, there are nevertheless tips.

How to avoid isolation:our advice

Dating apps

To counter loneliness, nothing better than meeting new people! For this, there are applications dedicated to seniors such as DisonsDemain, Once Again or After indicating their age, geographical location, family situation, passions (sports, cultural, etc.), the senior has a list of interesting profiles to contact.

Join a senior club

Gone are the days of old-fashioned senior clubs where we only played belote or lotto while waiting for time to pass. Today, these associations offer unusual and fun activities such as fencing, qi gong, tai chi and even laser tag. These associations provide the opportunity to meet other people who share the same interests, to forge strong links and to discuss the difficulties of daily life.

Become a volunteer in an association

It is well known that social engagement and the resulting feeling of usefulness strengthen self-confidence. It is very easy to join an association to serve meals to the poorest, collect and sort clothes, help children with their homework, etc.

Did you know?

Interested in becoming a volunteer, but not sure where to turn? The directory of associations lists all the French associations.


Talking about your loneliness on discussion forums for seniors can alleviate the suffering. Indeed, freeing yourself through writing is a great way to not stay stuck in a feeling of sadness and sink into depression. And then, it's also a great way to meet people who may, perhaps, lead to solid friendships. Want to try? Try these discussion sites:3age-seniors, happy seniors.

Sports halls dedicated to seniors

We hear it every day on TV, on social media, on the radio:"Physical activity is good for your health!" ". So, we put on our sneakers, head to the sports club for seniors. The sports offered are adapted, specialized coaches are present to give lessons or answer customer questions, all in a good-natured atmosphere. It's still much better than going for a walk alone in your neighborhood, isn't it?

Go out… even if you don’t have any errands to run

Staying caulked at home can be good for a day or two, but the risk is getting stuck in this habit. So, even if the fridge is full and you have nothing special to do outside, go out and get some fresh air. Call friends and offer them to go have a coffee, see a movie at the cinema, go to shows, to the hairdresser... You will see how staying in contact with people does the most good.

Use travel clubs for seniors

The advantage of being a senior is that life is no longer punctuated by school holidays or work. What if you take advantage of this freedom to go on holiday with seniors out of season? The tourist influx is much lower and the temperatures, depending on the country, are still very pleasant. Holiday clubs for seniors offer people aged 60 and over stays in France, Europe and around the world with all-inclusive formulas, various activities, entertainment... Everything is thought out to spend a top holiday. Where to book such trips? On Vacances Bleues or Vacanciel.

In winter, the temptation to isolate oneself is stronger than during other seasons. Be vigilant, because isolation can very quickly lead to a lasting feeling of sadness, or even depression. With our ideas to keep busy in winter, no worries, you will be as happy as a finch until spring arrives.

[1] The Journal of Primary Prevention and studies from the University of Chicago.