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Engage in an association

Engage in an association

To age well, you can do physical activity, eat healthy, avoid tobacco and… join an association. Surprising, isn't it? For what reasons ? How do you get involved in an association when you are a senior? Where can you find one that suits you?

Volunteering:the friend who wants you well

Bye bye isolation… and depression

American studies (The National Institute on Aging) show that being active in an association would prevent the risk of mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's and would lengthen life. Indeed, getting involved in an association offers more opportunities to meet new people and maintain a social connection after retirement. The result:seniors feel less stressed, in a better mood and much healthier.

Action, always action

Whether it's reading to schoolchildren, visiting patients in hospital or playing bridge with friends, being part of an association keeps older people in the action. And it's well known:practicing physical exercise and being active can prevent a number of age-related diseases.

Helping others, an incomparable feeling of happiness

Finding yourself at home after a lifetime in a company can feel like you're no longer useful. Helping others, regardless of the field, brings an incredible sense of accomplishment and happiness. Helping a child to solve their math problems or a blind person to do their shopping can create a strong bond and brighten their daily lives.

An invigorating intergenerational bond

Intergenerational solidarity creates social and family ties. For young people, it is a way to build themselves. For seniors, it is both an opportunity to transmit values, knowledge, skills and to stay "in the know".

How do I join an association?

Membership conditions are determined freely by each association. If you join a senior association, age will surely be an important criterion. If the associations do not provide for any additional formality in their statutes, you can apply to become a member by simple written request or by returning a registration form which can be downloaded from the association's website. Good news:contributions paid to a general interest organization entitle you to a tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of the contributions, within the limit of 20% of taxable income.

What type of association should I get involved in?

Want to be more socially active? There are so many combinations that you are bound to find one that suits your needs. Here are some ideas, to choose from depending on your interests:

  • Go to a senior center and participate in its events and activities
  • Serve meals or organize clothing donations for those in need
  • Caring for animals in a shelter
  • Shopping for people with disabilities
  • Gardening assistance in a park or community garden
  • Homework help
  • Singing in a community choir
  • Join a local theater group
  • Rediscovering a favorite hobby from your childhood or teaching it to a new generation:embroidery, photography, building models, chess games, woodworking, calligraphy.

Where can I find associations near me?

If volunteering appeals to you but you don't know where to turn, there are online association directories such as or

Joining an association:the recipe for happiness

For your commitment to be constant over time, it is important to believe in your association and to support it by actively participating. Suggest actions to put in place and make friends with other members. You will quickly become a member you can count on.

However, everyone has different limits on how much time they can devote to association activities. What suits one person may not suit another. Be careful not to be too greedy at first. You can start by adding 1 or 2 activities per week and see how you feel. Remember that all of this should be a source of happiness, not stress.

Joining an association when you are a senior is good for the body and the mind. Helping others, meeting new people and sharing happy moments is better than all the anti-aging recipes in the world. Convinced ? No doubt, you will necessarily find an association to join near you.