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This is how the immune system stays fit in the winter

The dark season of cold and wet weather almost inevitably heralds the cold season every year. So that one cold doesn't chase another in the cold season, it is now important to provide the immune system with targeted support. But what really helps?


A balanced diet is especially important during the cold season. The immune system needs vitamins and trace elements to function optimally. The classic among these micronutrients is vitamin C, which among other things helps to protect cells against oxidative stress. Consumption of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended for a balanced micronutrient supply.


Under the motto "moderate but regular" exercise stimulates the immune system. Physical activities such as brisk walking, but also sports such as Nordic walking or cycling are suitable.


The immune system needs enough sleep to recover from fighting pathogens and to recharge its batteries. A balanced alternation between physical exertion and subsequent relaxation is ideal. By the way:studies show that the duration and quality of sleep are also important for the immune system.

Wash hands

Wash your hands and do this regularly, because door handles or handles in buses and trains, for example, often contribute to the transfer of viruses and bacteria.


In the winter, the windows occasionally need to be opened wide for a few minutes to "swap" dry heating air for fresh air. This is also important so that the mucous membranes do not dry out. Even pathogens that spread quickly in heated rooms can be decimated by this shock ventilation.