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Spirulina:microalgae, maximum effects

Spirulina:microalgae, maximum effects

Do you know spirulina? This microalgae with a surprising blue color that we consume in powder or capsules? Considered a "superfood", spirulina contains vitamins and minerals and has various benefits for the body. When and how to consume it? What are the contraindications? We take stock of spirulina!

Spirulina, what is it?

Spirulina, also called "blue algae", is a microalgae that feeds on minerals. It thrives in warm marine environments, when the water exceeds 30 degrees. We consume all the parts of the organism of the algae, in dry or fresh form. Spirulina contains many minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

Due to its richness in nutrients, spirulina is often considered as what is called a "superfood". In fact, it contains between 55 and 70% excellent quality protein. It also contains beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, as well as essential fatty acids such as gamma-linoleic acid, from the omega 6 family. Finally, spirulina provides vitamins A, B1 , B2, B3, B6, B7, B8 and B12, D, E and K.

What are the benefits of spirulina?

Spirulina can be consumed for various reasons:

  • Its iron and protein intake, especially for people with a plant-based diet or who are anemic. It also helps to reduce deficiencies in an undernourished person.
  • Its high intake of vitamin B12, an essential vitamin found in animal products. Here again, it is therefore particularly recommended for vegetarian and vegan diets.
  • Its anti-aging and antioxidant action on the body. It also strengthens the skin, nails and hair.
  • Its toning and stimulating effect on the body. As such, it can be consumed as a preventive cure before the cold season, for example, or in the event of a general decline in tone (fatigue, illness, etc.). Spirulina protects the body and boosts immune defences.
  • To counter muscle fatigue, especially in athletes. It also helps the body to heal in case of injury.
  • To reduce menstrual pain, consume according to the period of your menstrual cycle, as a preventive measure before the onset of menstruation or during it.
  • Finally, spirulina helps to improve body well-being and helps to have better sleep.

How to include spirulina in your diet?

Spirulina is marketed in the form of flakes, powder, or even tablets.

  • In tablets, it is taken like a classic food supplement:one or two capsules a day, usually in the morning. All you have to do is follow the dosage indicated on the box.
  • In powder or flakes, you can mix it with a drink (fruit juice, etc.) or in yogurt. Note however that being an algae, spirulina has a particular taste, even mixed with food.

The recommended dosage varies according to profiles and corpulence. The recommended dosage is between 1 and 5 grams of spirulina per day. However, depending on the uses, you can consume up to 10 grams per day, especially in athletes, who eliminate more.

Recipe:a quick spirulina smoothie

  • 2 bananas
  • 10 raspberries
  • 10 blueberries
  • 10 blackberries
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 2 tsp spirulina powder
  • 10 cl of water

This recipe is good for 4 smoothies. Mix all the ingredients together in a blender. Serve chilled and enjoy your smoothie in the morning as an accompaniment to breakfast .

Spirulina:what contraindications?

Before starting a cure of spirulina, it is recommended to seek advice from your pharmacist. Question contraindications, spirulina is not recommended for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, as well as people undergoing chemotherapy. An overdose of spirulina can also cause intestinal problems.

However, it is also advisable to be well informed about the origin of the product, and in particular the lake in which it was cultivated. Indeed, the main danger would be to consume a spirulina from a polluted aqueous environment, insofar as its body tends to easily absorb toxic substances. Preferably, therefore, buy spirulina produced in France, in drugstores or organic stores, for product traceability.

This little blue algae with multiple benefits has no more secrets for you! In prevention or cure, spirulina accompanies you on a daily basis to provide you with essential minerals, vitamins and trace elements. For more advice on your daily health and well-being, discover our prevention videos on sleep, diet and stress!
