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The whole truth about the rules!

The whole truth about the rules!

Periods are this obligatory passage of the month, which is not always pleasant for women. Although normal and natural, they are still taboo, even in the couple. Results ? Misunderstandings persist. So it's high time to get it over with! We shatter the clichés and tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the rules.

The rules:what are they?

Don't laugh, this question is not stupid. Between ads that show your period as neon blue drops and your partner imagining you're hemorrhaging every month, there may be some gray areas. In reality, the periods are a natural phenomenon which eliminates each month the endometrium, this mucous membrane which allows, within the framework of fertilization, to accommodate the embryo. When this fertilization does not take place, the body naturally expels this thick and now useless wall. For this, the uterus contracts, which can cause pain. This period lasts between 2 and 7 days depending on the woman and corresponds to a blood loss of 40 to 50 ml for the so-called "normal" periods.

Do periods have to hurt?

Some (very lucky) women feel no pain, while others have stomach and even back pain. However, it is possible to better live this period.

  • To soothe your pain and cramps, a doctor or gynecologist may prescribe an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, or painkiller. Ask him for advice.
  • The heat helps. A hot bath soothes pain by allowing your body to relax. However, avoid this technique if your period is heavy. This is because heat can increase bleeding. You can also place a hot water bottle or heating pad over the area for relief.
  • Practice a gentle physical activity such as yoga. If the pain is too intense, focus on breathing exercises and meditation.
  • If sport and you make two, electrostimulation should convince you. This is a new process that works using electrodes (to be placed on the stomach or back). The area then receives a small electrical impulse that temporarily numbs the pain. Too busy feeling that tickle, the brain forgets the pain. There are different models, available on the internet.
  • Drink chamomile herbal tea, a plant known for its soothing and calming effects acting directly on the digestive disorders that accompany this period.

And what is endometriosis?

For some women (nearly one in ten)[1], menstruation is synonymous with intense pelvic pain and heavy bleeding. Evils such that it is impossible for them to maintain an activity during this period. After medical screening (ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, urography and MRI), doctors usually tell them that they have endometriosis.

It is a disease that is characterized by the presence of cells of the uterine lining in other places of the body, generally in the belly. While they should only be found in the uterus, these cells cling to the abdominal wall, in the back or on certain organs of the belly. Misplaced, these cells nevertheless follow the hormonal cycle and react at the time of menstruation. Result, intense pain and an inability to get up or go to work for women who suffer from it.

Want to know more? The site of the EndoFrance association is very well documented. If you recognize yourself in the symptoms, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Periods and mood swings:how to

Do periods have a negative impact on a woman's mood? Very serious studies[2] show on the contrary that the hormones released during this period can act on two important areas of the brain. The hippocampus (memorization and localization in space) and the amygdala (action on the empathy system and on the management of fear). Results ? During menstruation, women would be better at handling words and memorizing information, but also at communicating.

Good to know:Clichés die hard :

"But is she on her period or what?" What woman hasn't heard that phrase as soon as she has bloodshed? However, it is very bad to know the power of the hormones released during this period, which on the contrary boost certain intellectual capacities of women.

However, some women may suffer from premenstrual syndrome. During this phase (between 2 and 7 days before the arrival of the rules), they can then experience various symptoms such as irritability and mood disorders. This phenomenon actually affects only a tiny fraction of women (less than 10%)[3].

To understand how we can be affected during menstruation, we must look at hormones. At the beginning of the cycle, estrogens are secreted. Then it is the turn of progesterone to intervene after ovulation. When estrogen levels drop, mood can be altered because estrogen acts on the area of ​​the brain that controls emotions.

And what are the changes in the body?

While periods have an impact on mood, they also affect the body. This is why they are generally accompanied by pain in the breasts linked to an excess of estrogen in the body. They are more sensitive, more swollen and sometimes painful. It is also not uncommon to see increased sweating during this period. Under the effect of hormones, the sweat glands tend to be stimulated. This is sometimes accompanied by "heatstroke".

But it is also the acne announcing the arrival of the rules that can bother you. It usually comes just before. These pimples are explained by an intense activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin. By producing a lot of sebum, they help clog the pores of the skin and therefore promote the appearance of pimples, most often on the chin, forehead, nose and scalp.

And contraceptives in all this?

If they prevent unwanted pregnancies, contraceptives also act on menstruation and the menstrual cycle. By delivering hormones regularly, then depriving the body of them after three weeks (three weeks on and one week off), periods are often lighter and shorter in duration.

On the pill, ovulation is blocked. The bleeding observed is actually artificial bleeding since it is no longer triggered by the body itself, but by the sudden drop in hormones following the week of stopping pill-taking. This phenomenon is called "withdrawal bleeding". Some pills are taken over four weeks and thus completely block the period.

Although menstruation is blocked, it does not affect fertility. Just stop this contraceptive to see a return to a "normal" cycle with the onset of menstruation (immediately or within a few weeks depending on the woman).

Organic, eco-friendly sanitary pads, is it possible or not?

Hygienic protection has made enormous progress in recent years. Women now have more choices and can even choose biological protection if they wish. In addition to the classic pads and tampons, there are products with the organic stamp. The materials used are most often natural, and the product is designed to be comfortable and respectful of the environment (degradable packaging, use of organic cotton).

Other novelties have appeared in recent years and have revolutionized women's comfort during menstruation. These are the menstrual panties and the cup. Particularly comfortable, the panties look just like normal underwear, except that they contain an absorbent layer (most often made of bamboo). The cup is used as a tampon and must be removed and rinsed 4 to 6 times a day. These two hygienic protections are very ecological. Neither of them throws away after use. Just rinse and wash to reuse.

Your Teen Has Her Period:5 Helpful Tips

The onset of menstruation in adolescence can be experienced as a trauma for young girls who are inexperienced and uninformed. To accompany them gently and without rushing them, the phenomenon should be played down.

  • For this, an upstream discussion is essential. By desacralizing the periods, the teenagers understand that it is a normal and natural phenomenon. There is no shame or embarrassment to be had.
  • By explaining the signs, symptoms and how to manage the pain, the girl can feel more confident, ready to manage this monthly appointment serenely.
  • It may also be a good idea to support and advise her in her choice of protection. Allow him to try several to find what suits him best.
  • Useful applications can also be recommended, such as Clue. She can then follow and understand her cycle in a fun way.
  • Finally, it is essential not to rush it. This very intimate subject is still an embarrassment for many teenage girls. Better to make her understand that she can ask for help, but never impose it.

Good to know:there are a lot of period myths?

Yes, rather. You have for example:

  • Menstruating women attract grizzly bears:no, it was scientifically proven, a long time ago.
  • Women who live together sync for their period:no, still not. Old studies that claimed such a thing have now been challenged.
  • The menstrual blood has a different composition:not at all, it is the same blood. The presence of a darker shade only indicates that the menstrual blood is older.

The rules are both banal and extraordinary. If you want advice, Assistance or teleconsultation, Wellness is here for you. A doubt ? A question ? Or do you want to find the right words to accompany your daughter on the arrival of her first period? Because this step is not trivial, professionals and doctors are available to accompany you.


  • Maladies/Gynecologie/lirritabilite-des-femmes-avant-leurs-regles-mythe-ou-reality_11579.html
  • Maladies/prises-en-charge-specialisees/endometriose

[1] Maladies/prises-en-charge-specialisees/endometriose


[3] Maladies/Gynecologie/lirritabilite-des-femmes-avant-leurs-regles-mythe-ou-reality_11579.html