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Oral health:keep smiling

Oral health:keep smiling

A major factor in the quality of life, oral health determines the ability to eat, speak and smile. It also plays an essential role in terms of aesthetics and dignity. Today, thanks in particular to progress in prevention, you can keep all your teeth for a very long time. Here are the essential principles to apply for perfect hygiene and oral health.

Tooth brushing, the basis of prevention
First thing to do to keep beautiful teeth:brush them twice a day, morning and evening for three minutes if you use a manual toothbrush and two minutes for its electric version. This is the only way to eliminate dental plaque, this whitish material formed by food debris and bacteria that promotes the development of cavities and oral diseases. First place your brush at 45 degrees in relation to the gums then brush gently from top to bottom using circular movements. Use the end of the brush for the inner surface of the teeth. With the electric, it is enough to move the brush from one tooth to another while passing over its entire surface. To reach small spaces, you can use dental floss, once a day, after brushing in the evening. Mouthwashes, morning and evening, are also a good complement.
Good brushing is learned from an early age:so don't hesitate to let your child "play" brushing their teeth from the age of two with a brush and suitable toothpaste. Until he is 5 or 6 years old, be sure to go behind him.

Go to the dentist regularly
Don't wait until you have a toothache to make an appointment with the dentist. According to the National Order of Dental Surgeons (ONCD), check-ups must be carried out monthly every semester, regardless of your age. They are used to detect any cavities or gingivitis and also provide an opportunity to perform scaling. Irritant and rich in germs, tartar is a deposit resulting from bacterial plaque and minerals contained in saliva which gradually yellows the teeth and promotes the development of gum and periodontal diseases.

To know: As part of its "M'T dents" program, L'Assurance Maladie offers a free oral examination for children, adolescents and young adults at the age of 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 years old. These visits are also an opportunity to check the harmonious development of teeth in the little ones.

The key role of diet
We know:the best friend of cavities is sugar. Or rather "the" sugars, i.e. all the carbohydrates:both sucrose (table sugar and that contained in fruits and vegetables), starches (starches), or even glucose (jams, sweets …). But if you avoid eating between meals and brush your teeth properly, sugars can be consumed without risk provided you do not abuse them. The same goes for acidic foods and drinks (ketchup, fruit juices, sodas, colas, etc.) because the acidity demineralizes and softens the enamel.
Fortunately, teeth also have precious allies like cheese. It contains fats and proteins, which protect the teeth from acid attacks, as well as calcium and phosphorus, whose role is to remineralize the enamel and prevent cavities. Other friendly foods:fruits and vegetables, which, although they provide sugar, provide the nutrients necessary for the gums (vitamins A and C).

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