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Eucalyptus:The evergreen helper – not just in the pollen season

It starts with a tingling sensation in the nose and slowly gets stronger until the eyes close and a sneeze discharges with brute force and speed. This is not uncommon. To protect everyone, the following applies:Always sneeze into your sleeve and not into your hand. But what can refresh restless noses? The evergreen eucalyptus deciduous tree, the sexes of which can grow up to 120 meters in height, is a welcome change for the perception of smells. Here we reveal what the myrtle plant, which is used far too little, can do.

From the subtropics into the world:the origin of the eucalyptus

Counting, believe it or not, about 600 subspecies, the deciduous tree originated in the humid regions of Australia – it is, after all, the favorite food of the national animal, the koala. Here the “Eucalyptus Globulus” is the dominant tree species with 70 percent of the entire forest. In addition, the eucalyptus is also native to the eastern parts of the island nation of Indonesia. The fast growth of the beautiful, delicate-looking plant requires a lot of water. The Spanish used it in colonial times to dry out the malaria-plagued wetlands in tropical countries. The name eucalyptus is derived from Greek and means something like new (beautiful) and kalyptos (hat), because the stamens and pistil together resemble a small hat.

Eucalyptus has many more interesting properties, which we have summarized for you in four tips:

For care and cosmetics

On the toothbrush, in the cream or in the shower gel:the perfume and cosmetics industry loves the characteristic smell and its effect. The essential oil has some regenerating properties for external use. According to a study published in 2016 from Cambridge University, the leaves contain valuable flavonoids and tannins, which have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Because many types of lip balms and skin creams are also made from eucalyptus, the scent is known to many consumers.

On the tea and spice shelf

It's tea time! Especially for respiratory problems:Dry fresh eucalyptus leaves or dissolve one or two drops of essential organic oil in a spoonful of honey in a warm cup of water. Works wonders! To maintain the purity of the fragrance, do not expose it to the scorching sun. Storage should be in a cool, dry and dark place. The tea made from the leaves usually has a light green color and an intense fragrance, which some enthusiasts describe as woody inside. For others, the scent of eucalyptus represents cleanliness and freshness.

In bath and infusion

Eucalyptus is one of the nicest additions in the infusion or shower! The oil activates breathing and promotes the oxygen supply to the body. In this way, sluggishness and lethargy can be naturally converted into motivation and new momentum.

With brains and concentration

The essential oil of the super-scented eucalyptus is not only used for a stuffy nose, but also for a mucous throat and a blocked forehead. It clears the airways and strengthens inner focus. In phases of intellectual work, it supports and puts the head on the right track. A little extra for the summer:the intense scent drives away the small mosquitoes that often plague.

Expert tip! For a harmonizing combination, lavender, lemon balm or lemon can be mixed with the eucalyptus oil. For example, a nourishing body balm can work wonders for external use:simply mix 3 drops of Eucalyptus Emollient Oil, 2 drops Japanese Mint Oil and 2 drops Lavender Emollient Oil with 200mg of beeswax and pour into a jar. Carefully! The contents should be protected from light so that the balm does not lose its comprehensive effect. In addition to the caring effect, eucalyptus also helps against poor concentration. Simply rub the breast with a few drops of the fragrance. For better breathing, it can also be diluted and inhaled in a warm water bath. This takes care of body and mind and helps to survive the heyday!