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The health benefits of verbena

The health benefits of verbena

Verbena is a hardy plant growing all over the world. It is found in our country, in Europe, but also in Asia or in Africa. In the past, the Celts and Romans gave it magical power. Because of these age-old beliefs, it is also called witchcraft grass . Verbena is a plant with multiple medicinal virtues that man has used since the dawn of time. In the past, it was used to make love potions or helped to ward off bad luck, but today it is used in herbal tea mainly against many health problems.

Fight gastric and digestive disorders

When a person has problems with diarrhea , stomach ache , nausea or has heaviness in the stomach , she can use verbena in capsules to fight and eradicate these evils. Verbena capsules are available in pharmacies and it is customary to take two with meals. In any case, you should consult the instructions for the exact dosage and see your doctor if your symptoms persist . Verbena can still be taken as an infusion . It is available in sachets or in bulk depending on what you prefer. To prepare it, simply pour boiling water over it in a bowl, leave to infuse for ten minutes and drink it after the main meals.

Verbena to fight against anxiety and stress

Modern life stresses many of us because of a hectic pace of work or even because of personal problems that are difficult to overcome. During anxiety or stress attacks , verbena is a plant that can help you get back to sleep thanks to its sedative and relaxing properties . To fight against insomnia , use the verbena infusion . If you are stressed or anxious, mother verbena tincture is also extremely effective. To use it, always follow the instructions that come with the product.

Fighting premenstrual pain

A large number of women experience fairly significant premenstrual pain every month. If the periods are not regular or if the belly is painful before their arrival, it is enough to consume verbena herbal teas or capsules to remedy the problem often.

Sooth certain pains with verbena

Verbena has anti-inflammatory medicinal properties . It is known to help relieve pain associated with arthritis attacks when the joints are inflamed. The action of verbena then focuses on muscle contractures. It is also used to calm aches, hematomas, various bruises, pain resulting from a sprain or those of other rheumatism . For external use, mix a few drops of verbena essential oil with vegetable oil and use the product to massage the painful areas.

Verbena to relieve sinusitis

During a banal sinusitis, verbena is a useful plant. It combines with other plants such as elderflower, primrose, sorrel and gentian roots. The set can be found in pharmacies and is used for acute and chronic treatment of sinusitis .

Sweet verbena to reduce fever

Lemon verbena has antimicrobial properties . In case of fever during a flu, for example, it is possible to dilute three drops of lemon verbena essential oil in hot water and inhale it. The fever will fall faster.

Verbena and heavy legs

If you suffer from heavy legs , know that verbena can help you, because it has vasodilating and thinning properties. It is really useful for venous insufficiency. You can dilute three to five drops of verbena essential oil in vegetable oil such as argan oil and massage your legs up from the ankles to the knees.

Precautions for using verbena essential oil

Verbena essential oil is a very concentrated product that must be handled with care . Avoid using it in pregnant or breastfeeding women, infants and young children. In case of use, it is then strongly recommended to seek advice from your doctor.

How to consume verbena?

In capsules , verbena is taken with a large glass of water at mealtimes. The number of capsules to take is indicated on the leaflet. It must be respected according to the pathology.

Infused , verbena leaves should be put in a cup of boiling water for ten minutes to infuse. For a cup, you need one to two teaspoons per cup. This infusion is consumed after the main meals.

In essential oil , verbena can be consumed in 250 ml of hot water at the rate of two to six drops and twice a day.

The side effects of verbena

There are few side effects on the consumption of verbena apart from allergenic effects , because it interacts with liver enzymes and can thus modify the metabolism of certain drugs. Verbena can still:

  • Cause muscle contraction of the intestine because of the iridoids it contains
  • Reduce the effect of anticoagulants, because it contains vitamin K
  • Alter liver enzymes because it contains terpenoids
  • Cause some skin dermatitis according to its class (For the best known:officinalis, hybrida and elegans)

Precautions for using verbena

In some people, verbena should be used with caution, such as:

  • People with liver failure
  • People taking blood thinners
  • People with low blood pressure or taking medication for high blood pressure
  • People taking vasodepressants
  • People with neurological disorders or anemia
  • Interactions of verbena with certain drugs

A person consuming verbena must also pay attention to interactions if they take certain medications such as:

  • Antibiotics
  • Anticoagulants
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Hormone therapy based on estrogen or progesterone
  • The iron grip

Good to know :with food, there is to date no known interaction.

Armed with all this information, you can use verbena against these disorders while paying attention to the side effects of the product. You should never stop a treatment prescribed by your doctor and if you have the slightest doubt, consult him as soon as possible.