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Only a few people get one health benefit from social support

Scientists have long known that the support of friends and family plays an important role in protecting people's physical health. But a new study suggests the benefits don't go to people who really need it — those with low self-esteem. The results showed that perceived social support failed to help people with low self-esteem when it came to one measure of physical health:inflammation. But it helped people with a more positive attitude towards themselves.

Previous research has shown that chronic inflammation is a powerful driver of disease, including cancer and heart disease. This study examined one marker of inflammation — a protein in the blood called C-reactive protein (CRP) — to determine how it was related to levels of self-esteem and perceived social support. Higher levels of CRP indicate higher levels of dangerous inflammation.

Data from the study came from a survey of middle-aged development in the United States and included 1,054 healthy adults. Participants rated how much support they felt from those closest to them, including family, friends and partner. They also completed a 7-item questionnaire that measured their self-esteem. About two years after the study, the same participants gave a blood sample in which they were measured for levels of CRP, the marker of inflammation.

The results showed that increased levels of perceived social support were linked to lower levels of CRP, an indicator of harmful inflammation — but only in people with higher self-esteem. People with low self-esteem did not receive the expected health boost from more experienced social support.

The researcher said social support may not work in the same positive way for people with low self-esteem as it does for those with healthy self-esteem. “People with negative self-esteem may feel more stressed when people try to help them.”

“They may feel they don't deserve the help or worry that they are asking too much of their friends and family, and as a result they may not enjoy the benefits of social support.”