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20 Tips to Make Yourself Feel a Little Better!

In this Corona time it is a challenge for many people to keep feeling healthy. Not so much physically, but rather mentally. Maintaining your mental health is of course extremely important, so if you want to feel a little better, check out the tips below! Do you have any additions? Let us know, we are happy to add them so that anyone who needs this can work with this list to go through life happily again.

Table of contents

Your mental health; feel better with small changes

There are several ways you can boost your mental health. Even the smallest things and a positive approach can make you feel better again. Take what suits you from the list below, and get back into a positive vibe!

Consume and minimize

It helps! Making sure you clean up and live more consciously will make you feel better. By consuming less, minimizing and cleaning up, your mental health will improve by leaps and bounds!

De-stress with a hobby

Find a hobby where you can de-stress. Think, for example, of bullet journaling, knitting, painting, writing poems and so on. Don't think 'I can't do that', just get started. Only in this way could you end up in a flow at some point.

Listening to music improves your mental health

Music helps a lot of people. Of course everyone has their own taste, but by putting on cheerful music, or oldies with which you can sing along very loudly, you will automatically feel a little better

Your glass is half full, not half empty

It may be a buyer, but it remains difficult for a lot of people. Many of us tend to only see or remember the negative things. We forget that there is also a lot of positives. If you focus on the positive things, you will automatically feel better. They say that what you pay attention to grows. To improve your mental health, make sure you pay attention to the good and the good things. After all, your glass is half full!

Improve mental health? Make sure you get enough exercise!

We all know it, but by no means everyone does something with it. Exercise is very important for your mental health and of course also for your physical health. For example, start every day with a nice walk. I always do that in the morning with the dog and I really enjoy it. If you don't have time in the morning, make some time for it in the evening. Or go for a walk during your lunch. Of course you can also enjoy sports. If you're not much of an athlete, go exercise with a friend!

Go to bed on time to feel better

Sleep is important! As you get older you may be able to give in to that a little better, but sleeping well is for all ages. Do you regularly sleep too little? Your mental health will also deteriorate. And you fall asleep at your desk or during a meeting, not convenient either 😉 . For more information, read my blog about bedtimes for children and adults.

Work in your garden for a better feeling

I agree that gardening can sometimes be a chore, and yes… the heavy pruning is not always pleasant to do. Still, gardening is relaxing. And relaxing that way will definitely make you feel better. Maybe you think 'with Netflix I can also relax'? That's true! But just hanging out on the couch every night won't improve your mental health. So alternate with gardening or working in your vegetable garden!

Feel better by taking time for each other; slow down

If this Corona time has taught us anything, it's that we don't necessarily have to do everything. Stay at home, or go for a walk with a friend instead of running away from all social contacts to be everywhere. Really take time for each other and listen to each other, that will certainly make you feel better.

Watch your diet if you want to boost your mental health

Not too much sugar! I know, it's tricky. And yes, a piece of chocolate might make you feel a little better. However, your mental health improves much more if you follow a diet that does not involve too much sugar.

Limit your social media and watching the news

There is usually not much fun to see on the news anymore. Limit watching the news so you don't get too down. Social media isn't always fun either. Do you want to feel better? Then limit your time on your phone and also do useful fun things with your hands. Bet you'll improve?

Enjoy the little things

The sun that shines unexpectedly, for example. Or listen carefully to the birds in the morning. That will make you seriously happy!

Don't think but act

Of course it is good to think things over every now and then. But don't dwell too much on something that needs to be done. Try to get into the doing mode more so that you see real progress. It can be small or large projects, it doesn't matter. Make sure that by doing so, you not only keep seeing those bears on the road, but also celebrate small successes.

Provide a nice bright and fresh bedroom

I've found this tip works really well for us. Now that our bedroom is almost finished, I notice that I feel a lot better. The light, white decor makes me wake up happy every morning. In addition, I turn my duvet back for a while and pat my pillows. This makes my bed feel nice and fresh again for the evening. It will cost you 5 minutes in the morning but will make getting into bed a lot nicer in the evening.

Take time for your mental health

This is one with a double opacity 😉 . Take the time to improve your mental health. But above all… take the time so that you start to feel better. If you always have to rush, you will naturally feel worse. Rather set the alarm a little earlier, wake up calmly and consciously go into your morning ritual.

Cuddling with your pets will certainly make you feel better!

Stroking and cuddling, that makes you happy. You can do that with your partner or your children, of course, but pets are also a good 'resource' for this 😉 . And often not only you are happy about this, but so are they!

Go to a garden center and fill your house with plants

Plants make happy! That is why a walk in nature is good for you. But providing your home with more plants also works great to make yourself feel better. So go to a garden center, or take cuttings yourself. I've been doing it more since the time of the corna and can really enjoy plants that grow well, have babies and shine!

Happy dancing!

Not only very healthy physically, but it also gives your mental health a boost:dancing! Put on your favorite music and go completely crazy.

Don't look too much at what others have, try to be satisfied with what you have yourself

The grass next door always seems greener, doesn't it? If you look like that, it won't make you feel any better. So don't compare yourself to anyone else. If you already want to compare, then start drawing comparisons between how you are now compared to, for example, a year ago. By always taking small steps forward, you can also make a lot of progress in a year if you feel the need to.

Replace must be allowed to continue and your mental health will improve by leaps and bounds

We already have so much to do. By trying to replace all 'should' with 'may', 'can' or 'go' it already sounds very different in your head. I'm going to do some shopping, instead of I have to do some shopping for example!

Smile kindly at the passerby

I'm such an idiot who says hello to everyone 😉 . I learned from my parents, and I like it. I enjoy being nice to another just by smiling, nodding, or saying good afternoon. Especially if you see the change in that other person's face, you will also feel better about this!