You too have little bits of soap left over arms?
It's true that we don't really know what to do with it!
It would still be a shame to throw them away, especially if they are handmade or organic soaps!
Fortunately, there are simple tricks to recycle small pieces of soap without throwing them away.
Here are 12 tips for recycling those leftover soaps and giving them a second life. Watch:
How to make these balls of soap with your small pieces of soap? Nothing's easier. Just grate the bits of soap with a paring knife or grater. Then add a little hot water to form a paste that you can then knead. Leave to dry in a dry place for the soaps to harden. Check out the trick here.
Want a more fragrant soap? No problem. Add a drop of essential oil or crushed mint leaves, a clove, turmeric, rosemary, lavender flowers... The possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run wild to give them a shape:make a ball, or use a mold like this.
Put all your leftover soap in a soap net if possible in natural fibers. Then pass it over your skin in small circles. Thanks to the mesh and foam, your skin is gently exfoliated.
Cut all your leftover soap into small pieces. Put them in a pump bottle and pour hot water into it. Stir for ten minutes to mix well, and it's ready! Watch the tutorial here. Remember to put more water than soap, otherwise the mixture will be viscous and will not come out of the pump.
Do you store your seasonal clothes in a cover or a closet? Here is a good tip to avoid musty odors. Simply drop dry pieces of scented soaps into the drawers or cabinet. For storage covers, put the dry bar of soap directly into the cover. Its smell will diffuse and pleasantly perfume all the laundry.
Whether for my man or for my legs, this shaving soap is ideal. It does not foam much, but it allows my razor to glide well on the skin. And I only use soaps with vegetable oils or donkey's milk. As a result, the moisturizing properties are really better than a commercial shaving cream. Grate your old soaps and melt them with a little hot water. Then pour the mixture into a nice container. And There you go ! Your shaving cream is ready. Use a badger brush to lather up the mixture whenever you need it.
Here is the easiest trick of all! And above all the most economical:why waste money on bath oils when you have everything at hand? When you feel like a good bath to relax, simply grate a piece of soap and run the hot water. Good music and a little candle:guaranteed relaxation. You then have a fragrant and toxic-free bath!
Follow the steps from 1. When you pour the dough into the mold, immerse a string in it. As it hardens, the string will be incorporated into the soap and you can hang it without any problem. You can also put all your small pieces of soap in the foot of an old pantyhose. Cut a little higher and tie to get a pretty soap potato to hang wherever you want. Practical in the garden, for example.
Grate your leftover soap and put hot water to form a paste. Pour the dough into a round mold and incorporate a slice of vegetable sponge called loofah in it. Let dry and unmold. Did you know you can grow vegetable sponges at home? Check out the trick here.
Boil 2 cups of water and add your leftover soap, 1 head of garlic and 1 teaspoon of chili. Mix everything together, then pour into a spray bottle. You can spray this mixture on your plants or vegetables without any fear, because there are no toxic ingredients in it!
Photo credit.
No need for chemical dishwashing detergent to do the dishes or clean the worktop. Simply take a new sponge, make a slit, and slip your leftover soap into the slit. And There you go ! Your sponge foams on its own as soon as you wet it.
You don't have chalk or white pencil to mark your fabrics before cutting them? Simply use a thin piece of soap to trace your pattern. The line does not fade when handling the fabric, but will come off after the first wash.
You can make your own dishwashing liquid with your leftover soap. Exit the shady commercial products! Dissolve your leftover soap (about 30 g) in 1/3 liter of water and add a tablespoon of white vinegar then mix. Slowly add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Be careful, a foaming reaction will occur. Leave to cool then add 5 drops of essential oil of your choice. Put the mixture in a bottle and it's ready!